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Ivy 2021-01-30 23:14:19 +01:00
parent 6994025cfb
commit 38e55f5258
1 changed files with 65 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -1,24 +1,81 @@
# Cherry Lisp
A tiny and lazy lisp.
| \
| \ A tiny, curried and lazy Lisp.
@ @
cherry> (+ 2 3 4)
## Instructions
## Curried? Lazy?
Currying consists in convert **one function** that takes **multiple arguments** into **multiple functions** that each take a **single argument**.
Lazyness is when an expression is only evaluated **when is necessary**.
## Features
- Interpreted
- Dynamic typed
- Functional (impure)
- Curried
- Lazy evaluation
- It's a Lisp
## Inspiration
This language is being created for fun.
It takes inspiration of some features of *Haskell* (like currification and lazy evaluation) and the syntax of *Lisp*.
## A small taste
``` lisp
cherry> (set! x 10)
cherry> x
cherry> (const 3 6)
cherry> (set! always-seven (const 7))
cherry> always-seven
#[lambda y x]
cherry> (always-seven 1)
cherry> (always-seven 8)
## Download and build instructions
Install the *stack* build tool. On *Debian* based systems, run (as root):
# apt install haskell-stack
Clone the repo:
$ git clone
Compile it:
$ cd cherry-lisp
# stack upgrade
$ stack upgrade
$ stack build
Install and execute it:
$ stack install
$ cherry
Work in progress...
*Work in progress...*