# Cherry Lisp ``` /\ | \ A tiny, curried and lazy Lisp. @ @ ``` ## Curried? Lazy? Currying consists in convert **one function** that takes **multiple arguments** into **multiple functions** that each take a **single argument**. *WIP* Lazyness is when an expression is only evaluated **when is necessary**. ## Features - Interpreted - Dynamic typed - Functional (impure) - Curried - Lazy evaluation - It's a Lisp ## Inspiration This language is being created for fun. It takes inspiration of some features of *Haskell* (like currification and lazy evaluation) and the syntax of *Lisp*. ## A small taste ``` lisp cherry> (set! x 10) nil cherry> x 10 cherry> (const 3 6) 3 cherry> (set! always-seven (const 7)) nil cherry> (always-seven 1) 7 cherry> (always-seven 8) 7 ``` ## Download and build instructions Install the *stack* build tool. On *Debian* based systems, run (as root): ``` # apt install haskell-stack ``` Clone the repo: ``` $ git clone https://git.fai.su/Suguivy/cherry-lisp ``` Compile it: ``` $ cd cherry-lisp $ stack upgrade $ stack build ``` Install and execute it: ``` $ stack install $ cherry ``` *Work in progress...*