
33 lines
977 B

module Types.Language where
import Data.Map (Map)
import Control.Monad.State
data Enviroment = Enviroment (Map String Expr) (Maybe Enviroment)
data Expr = IntE Integer
| VarE String
| SetE String Expr
| ConsE Expr Expr
| LambdaE String Expr
| BuiltinProcE ([Expr] -> State Enviroment Expr)
| QuotedE Expr
| NilE
instance Show Expr where
show (IntE x) = show x
show (VarE x) = x
show (SetE v x) = "#[set " ++ show v ++ show x ++ "]"
show c@(ConsE _ _) = "(" ++ showCons c
where showCons (ConsE x NilE) = show x ++ ")"
showCons (ConsE x xs) = show x ++ " " ++ show xs ++ ")"
show (LambdaE s e) = "#[lambda " ++ s ++ " " ++ show e ++ "]"
show (QuotedE e) = show e
show NilE = "nil"
cons2List :: Expr -> [Expr]
cons2List NilE = []
cons2List (ConsE x xs) = x:cons2List xs
-- TODO: Make set! and lambda(?) parsed as cons, detect later set! and lambda as special procedures