
27 lines
666 B

module Evaluator where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import ExprType
type Env = M.Map String Expr
type Proc = String
type Args = [Expr]
eval :: Expr -> Expr
eval (IntE x) = IntE x
eval (VarE v) = VarE v
eval (DefinitionE v exp) = NilE
eval (ProcedureE p args) = apply p args
eval NilE = NilE
apply :: Proc -> Args -> Expr
apply p args
| p == "+" = builtinPlus $ map eval args
-- TODO: create a BuiltinProc or something like that in data Expr, and make + a builtin proc
builtinPlus :: [Expr] -> Expr
builtinPlus [IntE x, IntE y] = IntE $ x + y
builtinPlus ((IntE x):xs) = IntE $ x + n
where (IntE n) = builtinPlus xs