use std::collections::HashSet; use mastodon_async::helpers::toml; // requires `features = ["toml"]` use mastodon_async::prelude::*; use mastodon_async::{entities::visibility::Visibility}; use mastodon_async::{helpers::cli, Result}; use reqwest; use std::io::Cursor; use std::io::Write; #[tokio::main] // requires `features = ["mt"] async fn main() -> Result<()> { let mastodon = if let Ok(data) = toml::from_file("mastodon-data.toml") { Mastodon::from(data) } else { register().await? }; match get_next_url() { Some(url) => post_image(&mastodon, &url).await, None => post(&mastodon, " me quedé sin chicas").await }; Ok(()) } fn get_next_url() -> Option { let binding = std::fs::read("./posted.csv").expect("File not found").iter().map(|c| *c as char).collect::(); let posted = binding.lines().collect::>(); let binding = std::fs::read("./urls.csv").expect("File not found").iter().map(|c| *c as char).collect::(); let urls = binding.lines().collect::>(); let urls = urls.difference(&posted).collect::>(); if urls.is_empty() { None } else { let mut file = std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .append(true) // This is needed to append to file .open("./posted.csv") .unwrap(); write!(file, "{}\n", urls[0]).unwrap(); Some(urls[0].to_string().clone()) } } async fn post_image(account: &Mastodon, url: &String) { fetch_url(url.to_string(), ".tmp".to_string()).await.unwrap(); let attachment ="./.tmp", Some(url.to_string())).await.expect("upload"); let attachment = account.wait_for_processing(attachment, Default::default()).await.expect("processing"); let status = StatusBuilder::new() .media_ids(&[]) .visibility(Visibility::Unlisted) .sensitive(true) .build() .unwrap(); account.new_status(status).await.unwrap(); } async fn post(account: &Mastodon, msg: &str) { let status = StatusBuilder::new() .visibility(Visibility::Direct) .status(msg) .build() .unwrap(); account.new_status(status).await.unwrap(); } async fn fetch_url(url: String, file_name: String) -> Result<()> { let response = reqwest::get(url).await?; let mut file = std::fs::File::create(file_name)?; let mut content = Cursor::new(response.bytes().await?); std::io::copy(&mut content, &mut file)?; Ok(()) } async fn register() -> Result { let registration = Registration::new("") .client_name("sleeping-girls-bot") .scopes(Scopes::all()) .build() .await?; let mastodon = cli::authenticate(registration).await?; // Save app data for using on the next run. toml::to_file(&, "mastodon-data.toml")?; Ok(mastodon) }