title: My first post and introduction
author: Suguivy

I will start my first post talking **my adventures in the computing world**
and **what I will post here**.

## My adventures

I have been always interested in computers and computer science, and that
field is one of my main motivations in my life.

### How I started

I started to programming at 18 years old, when I could have my first decent
computer, and started to make small videogames with *Lua* and *Love2D*.


One year after I have started to open more in this world, programming in
*C* and *C++* and programming other type of things.

Later I read more than a half of the [SICP](https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/sicp/index.html) book. Is a fantastic book with
which I learned a lot of fantastic stuff like:

- Functional programming.
- *Scheme*, a lisp dialect and a beautiful language.
- Recursivity and iterativity.


### Moving towards Haskell and functional programming

Months after that, I became interested in *Haskell*. It impressed me
because is a language with a beautiful syntax and very expressive. Here
an example of the [quicksort](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quicksort) algorithm:

``` haskell
quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
quicksort []     = []
quicksort (p:xs) = (quicksort lesser) ++ [p] ++ (quicksort greater)
        lesser  = filter (< p) xs
        greater = filter (>= p) xs


I started to learn it slowly, and nowadays I'm still learning some things,
and using it for my projects.

### Meeting Rust and Python

While I was learning Haskell, two languages caught my attention: *Rust* and


*Rust* is a systems programming language (like *C* and *C++*), but with lots
of nice things, and it has not the flaws that the other two have.

It called my attention because it has many things in common with Haskell,
like the `match` statement and the `enum`s, that are very similar to
*Haskell*'s `data`.

I started to learn it but I got bored. In that days was having a difficult time,
I had little motivation, but *Python* caught my attention because it is a
language in which you can program quickly a lot of things. And, to be honest,
it is a really easy language to learn.

Nowadays I returned to *Haskell* and I can program in it with enough ease.

## What I will post

I will post any thing that goes through my head, manly programming posts, and
many of them using my loved one *Haskell*.

I also thought about doing *chapters* or *series* of posts about things like
**Implementing a Lisp**, or **Tasting Haskell and functional programming
for newbies**.

Also I think I won't post too often, because making a post takes time, and I'm
not a fan of writing, and also I'm involved in some projects and in my college