
48 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Dungeon where
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.Matrix
import Linear.V2
import Data.Tuple
import Data.Maybe
data Cell = Solid
| Empty
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Cell where
show cell = [fromMaybe '?' (lookup cell cellMapping)]
cellMapping :: [(Cell, Char)]
cellMapping =
[ (Empty, '.')
, (Solid, '#')
newtype Dungeon = Dungeon (Matrix Cell)
instance Show Dungeon where
show (Dungeon m) = unlines . map (concatMap show) $ toLists m
makeDungeonFromFile :: String -> IO Dungeon
makeDungeonFromFile f = do
--contents <- readFile f
ef <- eitherDecodeFileStrict f :: IO (Either String Object)
let obj = case ef of (Right o) -> o
(Left l) -> error l
let stringMap = case parse (.: "map") obj :: Result [String] of
(Success m) -> m
(Error s) -> error s
let cellMappingR = map swap cellMapping
charToCell c = fromMaybe (error "Invalid cell in the .map file") (c `lookup` cellMappingR)
cellLists = map charToCell <$> stringMap
return . Dungeon . fromLists $ cellLists
dungeonToLists :: Dungeon -> [[Cell]]
dungeonToLists (Dungeon m) = toLists m
getCell :: V2 Int -> Dungeon -> Cell
getCell (V2 x y) (Dungeon m) = fromMaybe Solid (safeGet (y+1) (x+1) m)