from terminal import Terminal from entity import Creature, Player, Enemy from actions import * from floor import Floor, TileType import sys TEXTURES = { TileType.WALL: '#', TileType.AIR: '.', Player: '@' } class Game: def __init__(self): self.term = Terminal() self.player = Player() self.floor = Floor(20, 10) self.should_exit = False self.ticks = 0 self.schedule = {} self.redirect_io('prints.log', 'errors.log') def __del__(self): self.restore_io() def restore_io(self) -> None: sys.stdout = self.stdout_original sys.stderr = self.stderr_original self.stdout_file.close() self.stderr_file.close() def redirect_io(self, stdout_file, stderr_file) -> None: self.stdout_original = sys.stdout self.stderr_original = sys.stderr self.stdout_file = open(stdout_file, 'w') self.stderr_file = open(stderr_file, 'w') sys.stdout = self.stdout_file sys.stderr = self.stderr_file def run(self): """ Runs the game """ self.instance_creature(3, 3, self.player) self.render() while not self.should_exit: self.step() if self.action_was_performed: self.render() def instance_creature(self, x, y, creature: Creature): """ Instances a creature in space and time """ self.floor.entities.add_creature(x, y, creature) self.reschedule(creature) def reschedule(self, creature: Creature): """ Calculates the ticks in which the creature will perform its next action """ time = (ACTION_TIMING[creature.action.__class__] // creature.speed) + self.ticks if self.schedule.get(time): self.schedule[time].append(creature) else: self.schedule[time] = [creature] def render(self): """ Renders the game """ for x in range(self.floor.width): for y in range(self.floor.height): if (x, y) in self.floor.entities.pos_creatures: self.term.put_char(x, y, TEXTURES[Player]) elif (x, y) in self.floor.entities.items: self.term.put_char(x, y, 'i') else: self.term.put_char(x, y, TEXTURES[self.floor.get_tile(x, y)]) def step(self): """ Perfoms a step in the game. Sets the `action_was_performed` attribute accordingly """ self.action_was_performed = False creatures = self.schedule.get(self.ticks) if creatures: for creature in creatures: if isinstance(creature, Player): self.input_event() elif isinstance(creature, Enemy): creature.calculate_action() self.reschedule(creature) self.perform(creature) self.schedule.pop(self.ticks) self.action_was_performed = True self.ticks += 1 def perform(self, creature: Creature): """ Performs an action for a creature """ if isinstance(creature.action, Move): pos = self.floor.entities.pop_creature_ref(creature) if pos: self.floor.entities.add_creature(pos[0] + creature.action.x, pos[1] + creature.action.y, creature) def input_event(self): """ Waits for a game event to happen, and behaves accordingly """ keycode = self.term.get_key() if keycode == "q": self.should_exit = True elif keycode == "KEY_RIGHT": self.player.action = Move(1, 0) elif keycode == "KEY_LEFT": self.player.action = Move(-1, 0) elif keycode == "KEY_DOWN": self.player.action = Move(0, 1) elif keycode == "KEY_UP": self.player.action = Move(0, -1)