use pathfinding::prelude::bfs; use std::fs; fn main() { const FILE_PATH: &str = "input"; println!("Hi this is the twELFth day of AOC2022, first we will read the file {}", FILE_PATH); let contents = fs::read_to_string(FILE_PATH) .expect("Should have been able to read the file"); let (ini, map) = parse(&contents); println!("The shortest path is: {}", bfs(&ini, |p| get_succs(*p, &map), |p| map[p.1][p.0] == 'E').expect("no path found").len()-1); let mut asses = get_all_a(&map); asses.push(ini); let asses = asses.iter().map(|ini| bfs(ini, |p| get_succs(*p, &map), |p| map[p.1][p.0] == 'E')) .filter(|x| x.is_some()) .map(|x| x.unwrap().len()-1); println!("The shortestest path is: {}", asses.min().expect("Must be a lower bound")); } fn get_succs((px, py): (usize, usize), map: &Vec>) -> Vec<(usize, usize)>{ let mut succs = Vec::new(); let (px, py) = (px as i32, py as i32); for (x, y) in [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]{ if py+y < 0 || py+y >= map.len() as i32 || px+x < 0 || px+x >= map[0].len() as i32 {continue;} let (px, py, pxx, pyy) = (px as usize, py as usize, (px+x) as usize, (py+y) as usize); match map[py][px] { 'S' => if 'a' as u8+1 >= map[pyy][pxx] as u8 {succs.push((pxx, pyy))}, 'E' => if 'z' as u8+1 >= map[pyy][pxx] as u8 {succs.push((pxx, pyy))}, c => if map[pyy][pxx] != 'E' && c as u8+1 >= map[pyy][pxx] as u8 || map[pyy][pxx] == 'S' || (map[pyy][pxx] == 'E' && (c=='y' || c=='z')) {succs.push((pxx, pyy))}, }; } succs } fn parse(s: &str) -> ((usize, usize), Vec>) { let map: Vec> = s.lines().map(|l| l.chars().collect()).collect(); let mut ini = (0, 0); 'out: for i in{ for j in[i].len(){ if map[i][j] == 'S' {ini = (j,i); break 'out;} } }; (ini, map) } fn get_all_a(map: &Vec>) -> Vec<(usize, usize)>{ let mut ini = Vec::new(); for i in{ for j in[i].len(){ if map[i][j] == 'a' {ini.push((j,i));} } }; ini } #[cfg(test)] mod test { const INPUT: &str = r#"Sabqponm abcryxxl accszExk acctuvwj abdefghi"#; use super::*; #[test] fn path1() { let (ini, map) = parse(INPUT); assert_eq!(bfs(&ini, |p| get_succs(*p, &map), |p| map[p.1][p.0] == 'E').expect("no path found").len()-1, 31); } #[test] fn path2() { let (ini, map) = parse(INPUT); let mut asses = get_all_a(&map); asses.push(ini); let asses = asses.iter().map(|ini| bfs(ini, |p| get_succs(*p, &map), |p| map[p.1][p.0] == 'E').expect("no path found").len()-1); assert_eq!(asses.min().expect("Must be a lower bound"), 29); } }