
72 lines
2.6 KiB

use std::fs;
fn main() {
const FILE_PATH: &str = "input";
println!("Hi this is the seventh day of AOC2022, first we will read the file {}", FILE_PATH);
let contents = fs::read_to_string(FILE_PATH)
.expect("Should have been able to read the file");
println!("The ammount of visible trees are {}", visible(parse(&contents)));
println!("The best score is {}", get_best_score(parse(&contents)));
fn visible(forest: Vec<Vec<u32>>) -> u32{
let mut visible = 0;
for i in 0..forest.len(){
for j in 0..forest[i].len(){
if i == 0 || j == 0 || i == forest.len()-1 || j == forest[i].len()-1 {
visible +=1;
} else {
let tree = forest[i][j];
if (0..i).map(|n| forest[n][j]).filter(|t| *t>= tree).count() == 0{visible+=1;continue;};
if (i+1..forest.len()).map(|n| forest[n][j]).filter(|t| *t>= tree).count() == 0{visible+=1;continue;};
if (0..j).map(|n| forest[i][n]).filter(|t| *t>= tree).count() == 0{visible+=1;continue;};
if (j+1..forest[i].len()).map(|n| forest[i][n]).filter(|t| *t>= tree).count() == 0{visible+=1;continue;};
fn parse(s: &str) -> Vec<Vec<u32>> {
s.lines().map(|l| l.chars().map(|c| c.to_digit(10).expect("NaN")).collect()).collect()
fn get_best_score(forest: Vec<Vec<u32>>) -> usize{
let mut score: Vec<usize> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..forest.len(){
for j in 0..forest[i].len(){
if i == 0 || j == 0 || i == forest.len()-1 || j == forest[i].len()-1 {score.push(0);continue;}
let tree = forest[i][j];
let mut a = (0..i).rev().map(|n| forest[n][j]).take_while(|t| *t < tree).count();
let mut b = (i+1..forest.len()).map(|n| forest[n][j]).take_while(|t| *t < tree).count();
let mut c = (0..j).rev().map(|n| forest[i][n]).take_while(|t| *t < tree).count();
let mut d = (j+1..forest[i].len()).map(|n| forest[i][n]).take_while(|t| *t < tree).count();
if a != (0..i).rev().count(){a+=1;}
if b != (i+1..forest.len()).count(){b+=1;}
if c != (0..j).rev().count(){c+=1;}
if d != (j+1..forest[i].len()).count(){d+=1;}
*score.iter().max().expect("there must be a score")
mod test {
const INPUT: &str = r#"30373
use super::*;
fn treehouse1() {
assert_eq!(visible(parse(INPUT)), 21);
fn treehouse2() {
assert_eq!(get_best_score(parse(INPUT)), 8);