services: mongodb: image: mongo:bionic container_name: fe-mongodb ports: - "27017:27017" environment: MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME: root MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD: password MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE: bot volumes: - ./init-mongo.js:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init-mongo.js:ro bot-api: image: container_name: fe-2chi-api restart: on-failure ports: - 8080:8080 depends_on: - mongodb environment: PORT: 8080 DB_HOST: "mongodb" DB_NAME: "bot" DB_USER: "root" DB_PASS: "password" fe-middleware: image: container_name: fe-2chi-verifier-be stop_signal: sigkill ports: - 8081:8081 depends_on: - bot-api environment: PORT: 8081 BOT_API_BASE_URL: "http://bot-api:8080" TOKEN_SECRET: Y2hpY2FzZWNyZXQK GELBOORU_IMAGES_PER_REQUEST: 100 # Number of images per request, maximum 100 GELBOORU_TAGS: "2girls sleeping" # Tags of the images. The images will have all of these tags bot-image-moderation-fe: build: . container_name: bot-image-moderation-fe ports: - 80:80 environment: VITE_BACKEND_URL: "http://localhost:8081" develop: watch: - action: rebuild path: . ignore: - node_modules/