post_item(), //['/item', 'GET'] => get_item(), //['/search', 'GET'] => get_search(), default => Json::error('Not implemented') })->die(); function post_item() { // The checks are performed internally $item = Item::upload($_FILES['file']); return Json::new([ 'type' => 'success', 'id' => $item->getHash(), 'link' => $item->getUri(), ]); }; class Item { private string $hash; private string $extension; // ::upload() requires the PHP file upload ARRAY from $_FILES public static function upload(array $php_file): Item { $from_path = $php_file['tmp_name'] ?? null; // --- CHECKS --- if (!is_string($from_path)) Json::error('Passed invalid upload structure')->die(); if (!is_uploaded_file($from_path)) Json::error('Trying to upload illegal or non-existent file')->die(); // --- INITIALIZE --- $ret = new Item(); $ret->hash = hash_file('sha256', $from_path); $ret->calculateExtension($php_file); // --- ACTUALLY GRAB FILE --- $new_path = $ret->getPath(); if (file_exists($new_path)) Json::error('File already exists')->die(); if (!move_uploaded_file($from_path, $new_path)) Json::error('Failed to move uploaded file')->die(); return $ret; } // Assumes is_uploaded_file has been done private function calculateExtension(array $php_file) { $path = $php_file['tmp_name'] ?? false; $name = $php_file['name'] ?? null; // Try to get extension from mimetype $ext = (new finfo(FILEINFO_EXTENSION))->file($path); // REVIEW: Maybe change it so it doesn't have to be separated like this but // do somethign like ['mime/type', null] be equivalent to this? if (array_search($ext, ['webp', 'png', 'jpeg']) !== false) { $this->extension = $ext; return; } // If it doesn't work, try to figure it out from the original extension if ($ext == '???') { // We mustn't accept everything straight away, so we're only accepting // mime-type and original extension combinations that make sense $whitelist = [ ['application/zip', 'kra'], ['application/zip', 'krz'], ]; // NOTE: The original extension has to be grabbed from the original name $mime = mime_content_type($path); $ext = pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if (array_search([$mime, $ext], $whitelist) !== false) { $this->extension = $ext; return; } } Json::error('File mime-type and or extension not allowed.')->die(); } public function getHash(): string { return $this->hash; } public function getExtension(): string { return $this->extension; } public function getPath(bool $absolute = false): string { return sprintf( '%s/%s.%s', $GLOBALS[$absolute ? 'path_media' : 'path_media'], $this->hash, $this->extension ); } public function getUri(): string { return sprintf( '%s/%s/%s.%s', $GLOBALS['base_uri'], $GLOBALS['base_media'], $this->hash, $this->extension, ); } } class Json { function __construct( private mixed $struct ) { $this->struct = $struct; } public static function new(mixed $struct): Json { return new Json($struct); } public static function error(mixed $msg): Json { return new Json([ 'type' => 'error', 'msg' => $msg, ]); } public function die() { print(json_encode($this->struct)); die(); } }