
81 lines
2.1 KiB
Executable File

echo "$1" | sed \
-e "s/.*$2...//" \
-e 's/\",\".*//' \
-e "s/.\//\//g" \
-e "s/\&/\&/g"
# Initial config
echo "- Input the instance: (ex: example.instance.xyz):"
read instance
perm="read write"
echo "instance=$instance" > config
echo "\n- Input the name for your bot (ex: Totally SFW image posting bot):"
read botname
# Registering the app
curl -X POST "$base_url/api/v1/apps" \
-F "client_name=\"$botname\"" \
-F "redirect_uris=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" \
-F "scope=$perm" \
2> /dev/null
client_id=$(json_parser "$app_json" client_id)
client_secret=$(json_parser "$app_json" client_secret)
echo "client_id=$client_id" >> config
echo "client_secret=$client_secret" >> config
# Authorizing the user for the app to use
echo "\n- Please open the URL below:"
echo $auth_url
echo "\n- After logging in, paste the code below:"
read code
curl -X POST \
-F "client_id=$client_id" \
-F "client_secret=$client_secret" \
-F 'redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob' \
-F 'grant_type=authorization_code' \
-F "code=$code" \
-F "scope=$perm" \
"$base_url/oauth/token" \
2> /dev/null
access_token=$(json_parser "$auth_json" access_token)
echo $access_token
echo "access_token=$access_token" >> config
echo "\n- Which visibility you want the published statuses to be? (public, unlisted, private) [public]:"
read visibility
echo "visibility=$visibility" >> config
echo "\n- Mark images as sensitive? (yes, no) [no]"
read sensitive
[ sesnsitive = "yes" ] && sensitive="true" || sensitive="false"
echo "sensitive=$sensitive" >> config
echo "tags=nagato_yuki rating:safe" >> config
echo "img_dir=/tmp/imgbot" >> config
echo "\nAll done! You can now test if it works with './fedibooru.sh'"
echo "Don't forget to change the default tags and review your config in the 'config' file"
chmod +x ./fedibooru.sh