<?php session_start(); include("../include/settings.php"); if(!isset($_GET["q"])){ echo("Question not specified."); die(); } else if(!isset($_SESSION["uid"])){ echo("You need to log in to perform that task."); } else{ $db = new sqlite3('../ask.db'); $question = $db->query("SELECT * FROM questions WHERE id = '" . $_GET["q"] . "';")->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC); if(!$question || !$question["id"]){ echo("Question not found."); die(); } else if($question["user"] != $_SESSION["uid"]){ echo("You have no permission to answer this question."); die(); } if(isset($_POST["answered"])){ if($_POST["answer_body"] == ""){ echo("Answer cannot be blank."); } else{ $db->exec("UPDATE questions SET answer = '" . htmlspecialchars($_POST["answer_body"], ENT_QUOTES) . "', a_date = " . strtotime("now") . " WHERE id = " . $_GET["q"] . ";"); $question = $db->query("SELECT * FROM questions WHERE id = '" . $_GET["q"] . "';")->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC); $user = $db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '" . $_SESSION["uid"] . "';")->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC); // Writing the tweet text $separator = " - "; $tw_url_length = 23; $max_length = 280 - strlen($separator) - strlen(" ") - $tw_url_length; $ellipsis = "..."; if(strlen($question["question"]) >= $max_length/2 - strlen($separator)){ if(strlen($question["answer"]) >= $max_length/2 - strlen($separator)){ $tweet = substr($question["question"],0,$max_length/2 - strlen($ellipsis)) . $ellipsis; $tweet = $tweet . $separator . substr($question["answer"],0,$max_length/2 - strlen($ellipsis)) . $ellipsis; } else{ $tweet = substr($question["question"],0,$max_length - strlen($question["answer"]) - strlen($ellipsis)) . $ellipsis; $tweet = $tweet . $separator . $question["answer"]; } } else{ if(strlen($question["answer"]) >= $max_length/2 - strlen($separator)){ $tweet = $question["question"] . $separator; $tweet = $tweet . substr($question["answer"],0,$max_length - strlen($question["question"]) - strlen($ellipsis)) . $ellipsis; } else{ $tweet = $question["question"] . $separator . $question["answer"]; } } $tweet = $tweet . " https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/user/" . $user["username"] . "?p=" . $question["id"]; // echo strlen($tweet) . " - " . strlen($question["answer"]) . "<br/><br/>\n"; // echo $tweet; if($user["tw_oauth_token"] && $user["tw_oauth_verify"]){ include("../include/tw-post.php"); post_tweet(htmlspecialchars_decode($tweet, ENT_QUOTES)); } if($fancy_urls){ header("Location: /user/" . $db->querySingle("SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = " . $question["user"] . ";")); die(); } else{ header("Location: /user.php?q=" . $db->querySingle("SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = " . $question["user"] . ";")); die(); } } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <?php include("../themes/$theme_name/reply.php"); ?> </head> <body> <?php ?> <div class="main-container"> <h3 class="question"><?= $question["question"] ?></h3> <form action="" method="post"> <textarea cols=100 rows=10 name="answer_body" placeholder="Write your answer."></textarea><br/> <input type="submit" name="answered"/> </form> </div> </body> </html>