
109 lines
2.9 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const json = @import("json.zig");
const Db = @import("Db.zig");
const sqlite = @import("sqlite");
const Self = @This();
pub const Tag = struct {
// :0 for C compatility
name: [:0]const u8,
value: ?[:0]const u8,
id: ?i64, // If null, the object hasn't been persisted
tags: ?[]Tag,
allocator: ?std.mem.Allocator = null,
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
// If there's no allocator there has been no allocations
const allocator = self.allocator orelse return;
const tags = self.tags orelse return;
// Free each tag
for (tags) |*tag| {;
if (tag.value) |value| {;
// Free the tags buffer;
pub fn persist(self: *Self, db: *sqlite.Db) !void {
// Insert only if there's no ID.
if ( == null) {
const query = "INSERT INTO item VALUES(NULL);";
try db.exec(query, .{}, .{});
// Update the ID field = try Db.getLastId(db);
// If the tags haven't been initialized, don't touch anything
if (self.tags) |tags| {
// Create new tags if they don't exist
// TODO: Do the "if they don't exist" part.
for (tags) |*tags_i| {
const name_query = "INSERT INTO tag (name) VALUES (?)";
try db.exec(name_query, .{}, .{ .name = });
const rel_query = "INSERT INTO item_tag (item, tag, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?);";
try db.exec(rel_query, .{}, .{ .item =, .tag =, .value = tags_i.value });
/// Convert into a JSON object. A call to deinit() is necessary from the caller's side
pub fn toJson(self: Self) json.Obj {
// Main object
var jobj = json.Obj.newObject();
// Add id (i64|null)
jobj.objectAdd("id", if ( |id| &json.Obj.newInt64(id) else null);
var jtags = json.Obj.newObject();
jobj.objectAdd("tags", &jtags);
// Add tags only if they're initialized
if (self.tags) |tags| {
for (tags) |tag_i| {
const jtag = if (tag_i.value) |value|
jtags.objectAdd(, jtag);
return jobj;
pub fn fromJson(jobj: json.Obj, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !Self {
var jtags = jobj.objectGet("tags");
defer jtags.deinit();
const len = @intCast(usize, jtags.objectLen());
var tags = try allocator.alloc(Tag, len);
var iter = jtags.objectGetIterator();
var i: usize = 0;
while ( |*tag| {
tags[i].name = try allocator.dupeZ(u8, tag.key);
tags[i].value = if (tag.value) |*value| try allocator.dupeZ(u8, value.getString()) else null;
i += 1;
return Self{
.id = null,
.tags = tags,
.allocator = allocator,