# header title = "Dendy" subtitle = "Self-taught art and IT enthusiast in the search for a meaning and a better way" # menu bar home = "Home" gallery = "Gallery" blog = "Blog" about = "About" # sidebar links = "Links" people = "Cool people" contact = "Contact" programming = "Programming" git = "Git profile" # main page welcomeHeader = "Hi" welcome = "

Hello and welcome to my place!

Here I'm hosting the things I've done, thing's im currently doing, my hot takes and things that I think are worth sharing and represent who I am as a being

If you want to know more about me you can see it here or contact me.

Hope you find something that interests you.

" projectsHeader = "Projects" projects = "


I host and manage a number of free software services (a fediverse server, Gitea instance, VPN...) under the name fai.st alongside some friends.


Proper competitive tetris clone made in ziglang and SDL2, with OpenGL rendering. Mostly made for learning purposes.


Mastodon-API client and library using C and GTK. Not under active development anymore.

" # footer copyright = " This website is under the GPLv3 license and its source code is avaliable here. The resources used on this website are under CC-BY-NC-SA unless stated otherwise."