# platform-test Just a platform prototype that I made to get my hands dirty with SDL2 for the first time. All that I have implemented is a smooth motion with keyboard input and "physics" of jumping and colliding with other objects. In this project I wanted to be as responsible as possible with classes and functions, but it's my first multifile project so it's all messy I guess. ## Controls - **W S D** To move around - **SPACE** To jump - **LSHIFT** To run ## Compiling If you want to compile it make sure that you have SDL2 installed and run make and it will compile. I don't know how to compile programs in Linux with cross-compatibility with external libraries so it works fine in Linux but in Windows it's a little harder to do. ## References All the references that I have used are the LazyFoo' "SDL2 tutorials", "Maths for game designers" and the trigonometry series from Khan Academy for the collision logic.