#include "maps.h" Maps::Maps(SDL_Renderer* render){ int sound = 1; if(sound == true){ Mix_OpenAudio( 44100, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 2048 ); } //Set renderer renderer = render; //set the window's (renderer) dimensions SDL_GetRendererOutputSize(renderer,&screenWidth,&screenHeight); //Set unit size sz = screenWidth/16; //Set keyboard input currentKeyStates = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL); //Set player default position playerPosX = 1*sz; playerPosY = 1*sz; blockTotal = 0; mapWidth = 0; mapHeight = 0; }; Maps::~Maps(){ //Deallocate rows for(int i = 0; i < blockTotal; ++i) delete blockRect[i]; //Deallocate delete blockRect; //Free the music Mix_FreeMusic( gMusic ); gMusic = NULL; }; void Maps::loadMap(std::string path){ //Open the map to read it std::ifstream map(path.c_str()); //Check if the map is open if(map == NULL) std::cout << "Unable to load map" << std::endl; map >> playerPosX; map >> playerPosY; playerPosX *= sz; playerPosY *= sz; //Get the total of blocks map >> blockTotal; blockRect = new int*[blockTotal]; //Build rows for(int i = 0; i < blockTotal; ++i) blockRect[i] = new int[4]; //Load the block information for(int i = 0; i < blockTotal; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++){ map >> blockRect[i][j]; blockRect[i][j] *= 40; } if(blockRect[i][0]+blockRect[i][2] > mapWidth) mapWidth = blockRect[i][0]+blockRect[i][2]; if(blockRect[i][1]+blockRect[i][3] > mapHeight) mapHeight = blockRect[i][1]+blockRect[i][3]; } gMusic = Mix_LoadMUS( "assets/sand-castle.ogg" ); if( gMusic == NULL ){ std::cout << "Failed to load beat music! SDL_mixer Error: " << Mix_GetError() << std::endl; } //Close the opened file map.close(); }; int Maps::map(std::string mapName){ //Load map loadMap(mapName + ".map"); Texture level; level.setRenderer(renderer); SDL_Color textColor = {0xFF,0xFF,0xFF}; level.loadFromRendererText("level: " + mapName,textColor); Texture sandCastle; sandCastle.setRenderer(renderer); sandCastle.loadTexture("textures/castle.png"); SDL_Rect castleQuad = {6*sz,2*sz,sandCastle.getWidth(),sandCastle.getHeight()}; Texture sandMiddle; sandMiddle.setRenderer(renderer); sandMiddle.loadTexture("textures/sand-middleground.png"); SDL_Rect middleQuad = {0,0,sandMiddle.getWidth(),sandMiddle.getHeight()}; float sandParallax = 0.5; Texture stars; stars.setRenderer(renderer); stars.loadTexture("textures/stars.png"); SDL_Rect starsQuad = {0,0,stars.getWidth(),stars.getHeight()}; float starsParallax = 0.2; /*Texture clouds; clouds.setRenderer(renderer); clouds.loadTexture("textures/clouds.png"); SDL_Rect cloudsQuad = {sz,sz/2,clouds.getWidth(),clouds.getHeight()}; int cloudsParallax = 3;*/ SDL_Rect levelRect = {10,10,level.getWidth(),level.getHeight()}; //Initialize the player, set its position, pass the map's size and set the renderer Player player(playerPosX,playerPosY,mapHeight,renderer); //Set the camera and pass the map and screen's dimensions Camera camera(mapWidth,mapHeight,screenWidth,screenHeight); //Initialize the powerup, set his position, pass the renderer and the player Powerup powerup(13*sz,8*sz,renderer,&player); //Initialize the block class and set the player and the renderer Block ground(renderer,&player); Mix_PlayMusic( gMusic, -1 ); bool quit = false; SDL_Event e; //Game loop while(quit == false){ while(SDL_PollEvent(&e)!=0){ if(e.type == SDL_QUIT){ quit = true; } } if(currentKeyStates[SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE]){ musicQuit(); return 0; } //Clear the render and set the background color SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer,10,20,73,0xFF); SDL_RenderClear(renderer); level.render(&levelRect); //Update the camera position camera.update(player.getRectangle().x,player.getRectangle().y); stars.render(&starsQuad,camera.getPosX(),starsParallax); //clouds.render(&cloudsQuad,camera.getPosX(),cloudsParallax,1); sandMiddle.render(&middleQuad,camera.getPosX(),sandParallax); sandCastle.render(&castleQuad,camera.getPosX()); //Print player if(player.print(camera.getPosX()) == 1) return 1; //Print the blocks the corresponding dimensions and positions and check collisions for(int i = 0; i < blockTotal; i++) ground.printAndCheck(blockRect[i],camera.getPosX()); //Print the poweup and check collisions powerup.printAndCheck(camera.getPosX()); //Render SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); } musicQuit(); return -1; }; void Maps::musicQuit(){ Mix_HaltMusic(); //Free the music Mix_FreeMusic( gMusic ); gMusic = NULL; };