Change src structure, separate game renderer

This commit is contained in:
Dusk 2022-07-21 13:14:16 +02:00
parent 9ba1ca0216
commit 27270e1832
10 changed files with 69 additions and 66 deletions

View File

@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
const std = @import("std");
const SDL = @import("sdl2");
const Grid = @import("Grid.zig");
const Piece = @import("Piece.zig");
const Bag = @import("Bag.zig");
const Grid = @import("Game/Grid.zig");
const Piece = @import("Game/Piece.zig");
const Bag = @import("Game/Bag.zig");
const Timer = @import("Timer.zig");
const State = @import("flow.zig").State;
const Action = @import("Action.zig");
const renderer = @import("renderer.zig");
const movement = @import("movement.zig");
const Renderer = @import("Game/Renderer.zig");
const movement = @import("Game/movement.zig");
const Self = @This();
@ -25,9 +25,8 @@ pub const ActionCode = enum(usize) {
grid: Grid,
grid_cell_size: i32,
grid_pos_x: i32,
grid_pos_y: i32,
renderer: Renderer,
state: State =,
@ -37,8 +36,6 @@ held: ?Piece.Type,
piece: Piece,
shadow: Piece,
renderer: *SDL.SDL_Renderer,
action_list: [7]Action = .{
Action.init(SDL.SDL_SCANCODE_D, actionRight), // Right
Action.init(SDL.SDL_SCANCODE_A, actionLeft), // Left
@ -55,18 +52,15 @@ timer_left_das: Timer,
timer_right_arr: Timer,
timer_right_das: Timer,
pub fn init(_renderer: *SDL.SDL_Renderer) Self {
pub fn init(renderer: *SDL.SDL_Renderer) Self {
var ret = Self{
.grid = Grid.init(),
.grid_cell_size = undefined,
.grid_pos_x = undefined,
.grid_pos_y = undefined,
.bag = Bag.init(),
.piece = undefined,
.shadow = undefined,
.held = null,
.renderer = _renderer,
.renderer = Renderer.init(renderer),
.timer_down = Timer.init(50),
.timer_left_arr = Timer.init(50),
@ -75,19 +69,6 @@ pub fn init(_renderer: *SDL.SDL_Renderer) Self {
.timer_right_das = Timer.init(200),
// Calculate positions
var aux_w: i32 = undefined;
var aux_h: i32 = undefined;
_ = SDL.SDL_GetRendererOutputSize(_renderer, &aux_w, &aux_h);
ret.grid_cell_size = @divFloor(@minimum(aux_w, aux_h), 32);
ret.grid_pos_x = @divFloor(aux_w, 2) - (ret.grid_cell_size * @divFloor(Grid.ncolumns, 2));
ret.grid_pos_y = @divFloor(aux_h, 2) - (ret.grid_cell_size * @divFloor(Grid.nrows + Grid.buffer, 2));
// Get a piece from the bag
ret.piece = ret.bag.pop();
@ -194,7 +175,7 @@ pub fn tick(self: *Self) State {
return self.state;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
const std = @import("std");
const SDL = @import("sdl2");
const Color = @import("color.zig");
const Color = @import("../color.zig");
const Self = @This();

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
const std = @import("std");
const SDL = @import("sdl2");
const color = @import("color.zig");
const color = @import("../color.zig");
const Cell = @import("Cell.zig");
const utils = @import("utils.zig");
const utils = @import("../utils.zig");
const range = utils.range;

View File

@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ const SDL = @import("sdl2");
const std = @import("std");
const Grid = @import("Grid.zig");
const Timer = @import("Timer.zig");
const Timer = @import("../Timer.zig");
const color = @import("color.zig");
const color = @import("../color.zig");
const Self = @This();

View File

@ -1,16 +1,42 @@
const SDL = @import("sdl2");
const Game = @import("Game.zig");
const Game = @import("../Game.zig");
const Bag = @import("Bag.zig");
const Grid = @import("Grid.zig");
const Piece = @import("Piece.zig");
const color = @import("color.zig");
const color = @import("../color.zig");
pub fn renderBag(game: Game) void {
const pos_x = game.grid_pos_x + ((Grid.ncolumns + 1) * game.grid_cell_size);
const pos_y = game.grid_pos_y + (Grid.buffer * game.grid_cell_size);
const cell_size = game.grid_cell_size;
const Self = @This();
renderer: *SDL.SDL_Renderer,
grid_cell_size: i32,
grid_pos_x: i32,
grid_pos_y: i32,
pub fn init(renderer: *SDL.SDL_Renderer) Self {
// Calculate positions
var aux_w: i32 = undefined;
var aux_h: i32 = undefined;
// TODO: have in mind the return value
_ = SDL.SDL_GetRendererOutputSize(renderer, &aux_w, &aux_h);
const grid_cell_size = @divFloor(@minimum(aux_w, aux_h), 32);
const grid_pos_x = @divFloor(aux_w, 2) - (grid_cell_size * @divFloor(Grid.ncolumns, 2));
const grid_pos_y = @divFloor(aux_h, 2) - (grid_cell_size * @divFloor(Grid.nrows + Grid.buffer, 2));
return Self{
.renderer = renderer,
.grid_pos_x = grid_pos_x,
.grid_pos_y = grid_pos_y,
.grid_cell_size = grid_cell_size,
pub fn renderBag(self: *Self, game: Game) void {
const pos_x = self.grid_pos_x + ((Grid.ncolumns + 1) * self.grid_cell_size);
const pos_y = self.grid_pos_y + (Grid.buffer * self.grid_cell_size);
const cell_size = self.grid_cell_size;
var rect = SDL.SDL_Rect{
.x = pos_x,
@ -46,20 +72,20 @@ pub fn renderBag(game: Game) void {
rect.x = pos_x + @intCast(i32, x) * cell_size;
rect.y = pos_y + (@intCast(i32, y) + @intCast(i32, i * piece.structure.len)) * cell_size;
_ = SDL.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(game.renderer, r, g, b, a);
_ = SDL.SDL_RenderFillRect(game.renderer, &rect);
_ = SDL.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(game.renderer, r -| 30, g -| 30, b -| 30, a);
_ = SDL.SDL_RenderDrawRect(game.renderer, &rect);
_ = SDL.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(self.renderer, r, g, b, a);
_ = SDL.SDL_RenderFillRect(self.renderer, &rect);
_ = SDL.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(self.renderer, r -| 30, g -| 30, b -| 30, a);
_ = SDL.SDL_RenderDrawRect(self.renderer, &rect);
pub fn renderHeld(game: Game) void {
const pos_x = game.grid_pos_x - (5 * game.grid_cell_size);
const pos_y = game.grid_pos_y + (Grid.buffer * game.grid_cell_size);
const cell_size = game.grid_cell_size;
pub fn renderHeld(self: *Self, game: Game) void {
const pos_x = self.grid_pos_x - (5 * self.grid_cell_size);
const pos_y = self.grid_pos_y + (Grid.buffer * self.grid_cell_size);
const cell_size = self.grid_cell_size;
var rect = SDL.SDL_Rect{
.x = pos_x,
@ -94,19 +120,19 @@ pub fn renderHeld(game: Game) void {
rect.x = pos_x + @intCast(i32, x) * cell_size;
rect.y = pos_y + @intCast(i32, y) * cell_size;
_ = SDL.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(game.renderer, r, g, b, a);
_ = SDL.SDL_RenderFillRect(game.renderer, &rect);
_ = SDL.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(game.renderer, r -| 30, g -| 30, b -| 30, a);
_ = SDL.SDL_RenderDrawRect(game.renderer, &rect);
_ = SDL.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(self.renderer, r, g, b, a);
_ = SDL.SDL_RenderFillRect(self.renderer, &rect);
_ = SDL.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(self.renderer, r -| 30, g -| 30, b -| 30, a);
_ = SDL.SDL_RenderDrawRect(self.renderer, &rect);
pub fn render(game: Game) void {
game.grid.render(game.renderer, game.grid_cell_size, game.grid_pos_x, game.grid_pos_y);
game.piece.render(game.renderer, game.grid_cell_size, game.grid_pos_x, game.grid_pos_y);
game.shadow.render(game.renderer, game.grid_cell_size, game.grid_pos_x, game.grid_pos_y);
pub fn render(self: *Self, game: Game) void {
game.grid.render(self.renderer, self.grid_cell_size, self.grid_pos_x, self.grid_pos_y);
game.piece.render(self.renderer, self.grid_cell_size, self.grid_pos_x, self.grid_pos_y);
game.shadow.render(self.renderer, self.grid_cell_size, self.grid_pos_x, self.grid_pos_y);
renderBag(self, game);
renderHeld(self, game);

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
const std = @import("std");
const SDL = @import("sdl2");
const MenuSelection = @import("MenuSelection.zig");
const MenuTab = @import("MenuTab.zig");
const MenuSelection = @import("MainMenu/MenuSelection.zig");
const MenuTab = @import("MainMenu/MenuTab.zig");
const State = @import("flow.zig").State;
const Action = @import("Action.zig");
@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ state: State = State.main_menu,
holding_down: bool = false,
holding_enter: bool = false,
pos_x: i32,
pos_i: i32,
pub fn init() Self {
return Self{};
@ -86,8 +83,7 @@ fn actionSelDown(self: *Self) void {
fn actionSelUp(self: *Self) void {
if (self.sel == 0) self.sel = self.tab_list[].contents.len - 1
else self.sel -= 1;
if (self.sel == 0) self.sel = self.tab_list[].contents.len - 1 else self.sel -= 1;
fn actionSelect(self: *Self) void {

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
const MainMenu = @import("MainMenu.zig");
const MainMenu = @import("../MainMenu.zig");
const Self = @This();