const std = @import("std"); const mem = std.mem; const fmt = std.fmt; const input = @embedFile("input"); pub fn main() !void { var count: usize = 0; // Iterate through the lines var lines = mem.split(u8, input, "\n"); while ( |line| { // If line is empty, ignore if (line.len == 0) continue; var limits: [2][2]usize = undefined; //std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{line}); // Which elf var elf: usize = 0; // Which limit var limit: usize = 0; // Start of slice var start: usize = 0; for (line) |char, index| { if (char == '-') { const number = fmt.parseInt(usize, line[start..index], 10) catch 0; //std.debug.print("{}\n", .{number}); limits[elf][limit] = number; start = index + 1; limit += 1; // 10-20,30-40 // ^ } if (char == ',') { const number = fmt.parseInt(usize, line[start..index], 10) catch 0; //std.debug.print("{}\n", .{number}); limits[elf][limit] = number; start = index + 1; elf += 1; limit = 0; // 10-20,30-40 // ^ } if (index == line.len - 1) { const number = fmt.parseInt(usize, line[start..], 10) catch 0; //std.debug.print("{}\n", .{number}); limits[elf][limit] = number; } } // Check if they overlap if ((limits[0][0] <= limits[1][0] and limits[0][1] >= limits[1][1]) or (limits[1][0] <= limits[0][0] and limits[1][1] >= limits[0][1])) { count += 1; } } std.debug.print("{}\n", .{count}); }