#!/bin/sh # --- Check if venv exists, create if not --- [ ! -d "./venv/" ] && { echo -n " - venv not detected, creating... " /usr/bin/env python3 -m venv venv || { echo "Failed to initialize virtual environment. Quitting." exit 1 } echo "OK" echo "" } pycmd='./venv/bin/python3' # --- Make sure the current requirements are met --- $pycmd -c "import pkg_resources; pkg_resources.require(open('requirements.txt',mode='r'))" &>/dev/null || { echo " - Requirements not installed, installing..." $pycmd -m pip install -r 'requirements.txt' || { echo "Errored out while trying to install requirements. Check logs above." } echo "" } # --- Run the code --- $pycmd src/main.py