The function of the API is basically to access the images' metadata stored in the database.
## Usage
The API exposes some endpoints to interact with the database.
### GET `/images`
Allows to get a list of image documents.
#### Query params
-`limit`: an optional parameter, which accepts a non-negative integer that dictates the number of documents that the list will have. If its value is equal to `0`, or if this parameter is missing, the endpoint will return all the image documents in the database.
-`status`: an optional parameter, which accepts the values `consumed`, `available` and `unavailable`. It filters the documents that have only the `status` attribute equal to that indicated in the parameter's value. If the parameter is missing, no filter will be applied to the document.
Modifies an existing image document. The request must provide a JSON-formatted body, with one or more valid document attributes. The existing document attributes will be replaced with the provided new ones.
-`PUT /images/61f7e48f0c651345677b7775` with body `{ "status": "consumed" }` will modify the document referenced by the `id` param, changing their `status` value to `consumed`.
`POST /images` with body `{ "url": "", "status": "available", "tags": ["foo", "bar"] }` will insert the image passed on the request body into the database.
Generates an access token to use in future requests to authenticated endpoints if a valid App and Secret are provided.
#### Example
`POST /login` with body `{ "app": "example", "secret": "badsecret" }` will return `{ "token": "x.y.z" }` "x.y.z" being a JWT token to use on further requests if the App and Secret are valid.