The function of the API is basically to access the images' metadata stored in the database.
## Usage
The API exposes some endpoints to interact with the database.
### GET `/images`
Allows to get a list of image documents.
#### Query params
-`limit`: an optional parameter, which accepts a non-negative integer that dictates the number of documents that the list will have. If its value is equal to `0`, or if this parameter is missing, the endpoint will return all the image documents in the database.
-`status`: an optional parameter, which accepts the values `consumed`, `available` and `unavailable`. It filters the documents that have only the `status` attribute equal to that indicated in the parameter's value. If the parameter is missing, no filter will be applied to the document.
#### Example
-`GET /images?limit=5&status=available` will return 5 documents that have the `available` value in their `status` attribute.
### GET `/images/<id>`
Allows to get an image document.
#### Params
-`id`: the id of the document to be modified.
#### Example
`GET /images/61f7e48f0c651345677b7775` will get the document referenced by the `id` param.
### PUT `/images/<id>`
Modifies an existing image document. The request must provide a JSON-formatted body, with one or more valid document attributes. The existing document attributes will be replaced with the provided new ones.
#### Params
-`id`: the id of the document to be modified.
#### Example
-`PUT /images/61f7e48f0c651345677b7775` with body `{ "status": "consumed" }` will modify the document referenced by the `id` param, changing their `status` value to `consumed`.
### POST `/images`
Allows to insert a new image document.
#### Example
`POST /images` with body `{ "url": "", "status": "available", "tags": ["foo", "bar"] }` will insert the image passed on the request body into the database.
### POST `/login`
Generates an access token to use in future requests to authenticated endpoints if a valid App and Secret are provided.
#### Example
`POST /login` with body `{ "app": "example", "secret": "badsecret" }` will return `{ "token": "x.y.z" }` "x.y.z" being a JWT token to use on further requests if the App and Secret are valid.