import { afterEach, beforeAll, describe, expect, it, mock } from "bun:test"; import Image from "../src/models/Image" import ImageService from "../src/services/ImageService"; import GelbooruResponse from "../src/models/GelbooruServiceResponse"; describe("endpoint gets a non repeated image", () => { it("should return an image that is not in the response of the /images endpoint of the bot API", async () => { const REPEATED_URL = ""; const UNIQUE_URL = ""; mock.module("../services/GelbooruApiService", () => { let alreadyCalled = false; return { default: { get: (): GelbooruResponse[] => { if (alreadyCalled) { return [{ url: UNIQUE_URL, tags: [] }]; } else { alreadyCalled = true; return [{ url: REPEATED_URL, tags: [] }]; } } } } }); const botApiImagesResponse = { images: [ {_id: "0", url: REPEATED_URL, status: "consumed", tags: ["pokemon", "computer"]} ]}; const image: Image = await ImageService.get(); expect(image.url).not.toBe(REPEATED_URL); }) })