-- load 3d engine g3d = require("g3d") function love.load() -- GRAPHICS -- GOOD PIXEL love.graphics.setDefaultFilter("nearest") -- FONTS DefaultFont = love.graphics.newImageFont("assets/default_font.png", " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" .. "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0" .. "123456789.,!?-+/():;%&`'*#=[]\"") love.graphics.setFont(DefaultFont) --fps_count fps_count = 0 fps_second = 0 fps_draw = 0 fps_total = 0 -- camera g3d.camera.pivot = { 0, 0, 0 } g3d.camera.position = { 0, 0, 0 } g3d.camera.pitch = 0 g3d.camera.zoom = 10 speed = 0 -- debug scroll = 0 debug = false -- player player = { id = 1 } -- enums require "scripts/enums" -- functions require "scripts/drawing_UI" --objects require "scripts/objects" require "scripts/units" -- levels require "scripts/levels" current_level = levels.main_menu end function love.update(dt) -- count frames per seconds if fps_second >= 1 then fps_second = fps_second - 1 fps_draw = fps_count fps_count = 0 fps_total = fps_total + 1 end fps_second = fps_second + dt fps_dt = dt fps_count = fps_count + 1 -- camera: slow, fast, medium? speed = 8 -- do camera if not game_pause then g3d.camera.strategyViewMovement(dt,speed,is_scrolling) local center = -500 local pos = {g3d.camera.position[1],g3d.camera.position[2]+center,g3d.camera.position[3]} current_level.skybox:setTransform(pos) -- movement: w,a,s,d, -- rotate: q,e -- move by screen: 20 px: sides, forward, backwards -- mouse scroll: zoom end -- select troops if love.mouse.isDown(1) == true then if selecting_troops == false then sel_pos_x = love.mouse.getX() sel_pos_y = love.mouse.getY() has_troops_selected = false end selecting_troops = true else if selecting_troops == true then -- somehow select entities in area has_troops_selected = true end selecting_troops = false end if has_troops_selected then end end function love.wheelmoved(_, y) if debug then scroll = scroll+15*y else -- get scroll to do zoom, and call camera update g3d.camera.zoom = math.min(math.max(3,g3d.camera.zoom-y/1.5),30) is_scrolling = true end end function love.keypressed(key) -- pause the game if key == "escape" then if game_pause then game_pause = false else game_pause = true end end -- select all units button if key == "f2" then if has_troops_selected then has_troops_selected = false else has_troops_selected = true end for _, u in pairs(current_level.units) do for _, entity in pairs(current_level.entities) do if entity.unit ~= nil and entity.unit == u.id then if has_troops_selected then entity.is_selected = false entity.selected_model = nil else entity.is_selected = true entity.selected_model = g3d.newModel("assets/objects/horizontal_plane.obj",img.effects.is_selected,{entity.pos[1],entity.pos[2]+0.5,entity.pos[3]},{0,0,0},{16,16,16}) end end end end end if key == "f1" then if debug then debug = false else debug = true end end end function love.draw() -- get drawing globals game_width = love.graphics.getWidth() game_height = love.graphics.getHeight() -- LAYER 1: THE WORLD draw_entity(current_level.skybox) -- draw every model in entities local ent_count = 0 for _, entity in pairs(current_level.entities) do if entity.unit == nil then draw_entity(entity) end end -- draw every unit's troops for _, u in pairs(current_level.units) do for _, entity in pairs(current_level.entities) do if entity.unit ~= nil and entity.unit == u.id then draw_entity(entity) end end end -- LAYER 2: THE USER INTERFACE if game_pause then draw_pause_menu(30,30) else draw_combat_ui() end -- LAYER 3: INPUT & DEBUG -- draw selection area if selecting_troops == true then love.graphics.rectangle("line",sel_pos_x,sel_pos_y, love.mouse.getX() - sel_pos_x, love.mouse.getY() - sel_pos_y) end -- debug if debug then draw_debug() end end ------ DEBUG ------ function draw_debug() -- draw game data love.graphics.print("time: "..fps_total..", fps: "..fps_draw..", frametime: "..math.floor(fps_dt* 1000).."ms, x: "..math.floor(g3d.camera.position[1])..", y: "..math.floor(g3d.camera.position[2])..", z: "..math.floor(g3d.camera.position[3]), x, y) -- draw selected entities data (scrolleable?!) uc = 0 for _, u in pairs(current_level.units) do for _, entity in pairs(current_level.entities) do if entity.unit ~= nil and entity.unit == u.id then uc = uc + 1 if entity.model ~= nil then if entity.is_animated and entity.is_selected == true then love.graphics.setColor(0,0,0,0.3) love.graphics.rectangle("fill",15,-85+80*uc+scroll,game_width-30,70) love.graphics.setColor(1,1,1) love.graphics.print("["..u.name..", model: "..entity.name.." (id: "..entity.num..")] (level id: "..entity.tnum..")",20,-80+80*uc+scroll) love.graphics.print("frame: "..entity.anim_frame.."/"..entity.anim_frames..", rm: \""..entity.rotate_mode.."\"",40,-60+80*uc+scroll) love.graphics.print("animation: "..entity.anim_path,40,-40+80*uc+scroll) end end end end end end function draw_pause_menu(w,h) love.graphics.setColor(1,1,1,0.3) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", w, h, game_width-2*w, game_height-2*h) love.graphics.setColor(1,1,1,1) end -------------------- ------ MODELS ------ function draw_entity(entity) if entity.model ~= nil then -- do animated models if animated, if anim_path and if game playing if entity.is_animated == true and entity.anim_path ~= nil and game_pause ~= true then -- try to animate entity.anim_subframe = entity.anim_subframe + 30*fps_dt if entity.anim_subframe >= entity.anim_speed then entity.anim_frame = entity.anim_frame + 1 entity.anim_subframe = entity.anim_subframe - entity.anim_speed end -- cycle if entity.anim_frame >= entity.anim_frames+1 then entity.anim_frame = entity.anim_frame - entity.anim_frames end -- change entity.model.mesh:setTexture(entity.anim_imgs[entity.anim_frame]) end -- do rotating models if animated, if has to rotate and if game playing if entity.rotate_mode ~= nil and entity.rotate_mode ~= "none" and game_pause ~= true then local rm = entity.rotate_mode if rm == "cam_xz" then local sin = g3d.camera.position[1]-entity.model.translation[1] local cos = g3d.camera.position[3]-entity.model.translation[3] local angle = math.atan2(sin,cos)-math.rad(180) entity.model:setRotation(0,angle,0) end end if entity.shadow ~= nil then entity.shadow:draw() end if entity.is_selected ~= nil and entity.is_selected ~= false and entity.selected_model ~= nil then entity.selected_model:draw() end entity.model:draw() else -- simple loaded entities dont require so much fuss entity:draw() end end --------------------