levels = {} levels.main_menu = { entities = {}, units = {} } local entities = levels.main_menu.entities local units = levels.main_menu.units -- grass ground local radius = math.random(50,50) for r1 = 0, radius, 1 do for r2= 0, radius, 1 do local tex = math.random(1,15) local ori = math.random(0,3) if tex <= 1 then tex = math.random(1,7)+1 table.insert(entities,g3d.newModel("assets/objects/ground.obj","assets/textures/ground/grass"..tex..".png", {r1-radius/2, 0.01 , r2-radius/2 }, { 0, ori*math.rad(90), 0 }, { 2, 2, 2} ) ) else table.insert(entities,g3d.newModel("assets/objects/ground.obj","assets/textures/ground/grass1.png", {r1-radius/2, 0.01 , r2-radius/2 }, { 0, ori*math.rad(90), 0 }, { 2, 2, 2} ) ) end end end math.randomseed(3) -- bunch of implings (40) local nu = Unit:newUnit("Ariel Army",player.id,portrait._ariel,statTable.implings) local xx, yy, zz = 3, 0, 0 for i = 1, 8, 1 do for j = 1, 5, 1 do local imp = Object:new2DAnimated("implings",portrait._ariel,xx+0.5*(i+1),yy+0,zz+0.5*(j+1),16,16) load_animation(imp,animation._ariel.idle,4,8) table.insert(nu.troops,imp) end end table.insert(units,nu) local nu = Unit:newUnit("Implings",player.id,portrait.impling,statTable.implings) local xx, yy, zz = 3, 0, 3 for i = 1, 8, 1 do for j = 1, 5, 1 do local imp = Object:new2DAnimated("implings",portrait.impling,xx+0.5*(i+1),yy+0,zz+0.5*(j+1),16,16) load_animation(imp,animation.impling.idle,4,8) table.insert(nu.troops,imp) end end table.insert(units,nu) local nu = Unit:newUnit("Implings",player.id,portrait.impling,statTable.implings) local xx, yy, zz = 3, 0, -3 for i = 1, 8, 1 do for j = 1, 5, 1 do local imp = Object:new2DAnimated("implings",portrait.impling,xx+0.5*(i+1),yy+0,zz+0.5*(j+1),16,16) load_animation(imp,animation.impling.idle,4,8) table.insert(nu.troops,imp) end end table.insert(units,nu) -- bunch of hellbeast pack (6) local nu = Unit:newUnit("Hellbeast Pack",player.id,portrait.hellbeast,statTable.implings) local xx, yy, zz = -3, 0, 3 for i = 1, 3, 1 do for j = 1, 2, 1 do local hellbeast = Object:new2DAnimated("hellbeast",portrait.hellbeast,xx+1*(i+1),yy+0,zz+1*(j+1),16,16) load_animation(hellbeast,animation.hellbeast.idle,4,8) table.insert(nu.troops,hellbeast) end end table.insert(units,nu) -- bunch of hellbeast pack (6) local nu = Unit:newUnit("Hellbeast Pack",player.id,portrait.hellbeast,statTable.implings) local xx, yy, zz = -3, 0, -3 for i = 1, 3, 1 do for j = 1, 2, 1 do local hellbeast = Object:new2DAnimated("hellbeast",portrait.hellbeast,xx+1*(i+1),yy+0,zz+1*(j+1),16,16) load_animation(hellbeast,animation.hellbeast.idle,4,8) table.insert(nu.troops,hellbeast) end end table.insert(units,nu) local nu = Unit:newUnit("Archdemon",player.id,portrait.archdemon,statTable.implings) -- hero archdemon (1) local xx, yy, zz = 0, 0, 3 local archdemon = Object:new2DAnimated("archdemon",portrait.archdemon,xx,yy,zz,16,16) load_animation(archdemon,animation.archdemon.idle,4,8) table.insert(nu.troops,archdemon) table.insert(units,nu)