166 lines
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166 lines
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-- written by groverbuger for g3d
-- february 2021
-- MIT license
local shader = require(G3D_PATH .. "/shader")
local newMatrix = require(G3D_PATH .. "/matrices")
-- define the camera singleton
local camera = {
fov = math.pi/2,
nearClip = 0.01,
farClip = 1000,
aspectRatio = love.graphics.getWidth()/love.graphics.getHeight(),
position = {0,0,0},
target = {0,0,1},
down = {0,-1,0},
viewMatrix = newMatrix(),
projectionMatrix = newMatrix(),
-- private variables used only for the first person camera functions
local fpsController = {
direction = 0,
pitch = 0
-- read-only variables, can't be set by the end user
function camera.getDirectionPitch()
return fpsController.direction, fpsController.pitch
-- convenient function to return the camera's normalized look vector
function camera:getLookVector()
local vx = camera.target[1] - camera.position[1]
local vy = camera.target[2] - camera.position[2]
local vz = camera.target[3] - camera.position[3]
local length = math.sqrt(vx^2 + vy^2 + vz^2)
-- make sure not to divide by 0
if length > 0 then
return vx/length, vy/length, vz/length
return vx,vy,vz
-- give the camera a point to look from and a point to look towards
function camera.lookAt(x,y,z, xAt,yAt,zAt)
camera.position[1] = x
camera.position[2] = y
camera.position[3] = z
camera.target[1] = xAt
camera.target[2] = yAt
camera.target[3] = zAt
-- update the fpsController's direction and pitch based on lookAt
-- thanks 4v0v!
local dx,dy,dz = camera:getLookVector()
fpsController.direction = math.pi/2 - math.atan2(dz, dx)
fpsController.pitch = -math.atan2(dy, math.sqrt(dx^2 + dz^2))
-- update the camera in the shader
-- move and rotate the camera, given a point and a direction and a pitch (vertical direction)
function camera.lookInDirection(x,y,z, directionTowards,pitchTowards)
camera.position[1] = x or camera.position[1]
camera.position[2] = y or camera.position[2]
camera.position[3] = z or camera.position[3]
fpsController.direction = directionTowards or fpsController.direction
fpsController.pitch = pitchTowards or fpsController.pitch
-- convert the direction and pitch into a target point
-- turn the cos of the pitch into a sign value, either 1, -1, or 0
local sign = math.cos(fpsController.pitch)
sign = (sign > 0 and 1) or (sign < 0 and -1) or 0
-- don't let cosPitch ever hit 0, because weird camera glitches will happen
local cosPitch = sign*math.max(math.abs(math.cos(fpsController.pitch)), 0.00001)
camera.target[1] = camera.position[1]+math.sin(fpsController.direction)*cosPitch
camera.target[2] = camera.position[2]-math.sin(fpsController.pitch)
camera.target[3] = camera.position[3]+math.cos(fpsController.direction)*cosPitch
-- update the camera in the shader
-- recreate the camera's view matrix from its current values
-- and send the matrix to the shader specified, or the default shader
function camera.updateViewMatrix(shaderGiven)
camera.viewMatrix:setViewMatrix(camera.position, camera.target, camera.down);
(shaderGiven or shader):send("viewMatrix", camera.viewMatrix)
-- recreate the camera's projection matrix from its current values
-- and send the matrix to the shader specified, or the default shader
function camera.updateProjectionMatrix(shaderGiven)
camera.projectionMatrix:setProjectionMatrix(camera.fov, camera.nearClip, camera.farClip, camera.aspectRatio);
(shaderGiven or shader):send("projectionMatrix", camera.projectionMatrix)
-- recreate the camera's orthographic projection matrix from its current values
-- and send the matrix to the shader specified, or the default shader
function camera.updateOrthographicMatrix(size, shaderGiven)
camera.projectionMatrix:setOrthographicMatrix(camera.fov, size or 5, camera.nearClip, camera.farClip, camera.aspectRatio);
(shaderGiven or shader):send("projectionMatrix", camera.projectionMatrix)
-- simple first person camera movement with WASD
-- put this local function in your love.update to use, passing in dt
function camera.firstPersonMovement(dt,speed)
-- collect inputs
local moveX,moveY = 0,0
local cameraMoved = false
if love.keyboard.isDown("w") then moveY = moveY - 1 end
if love.keyboard.isDown("a") then moveX = moveX - 1 end
if love.keyboard.isDown("s") then moveY = moveY + 1 end
if love.keyboard.isDown("d") then moveX = moveX + 1 end
if love.keyboard.isDown("space") then
camera.position[2] = camera.position[2] - speed*dt
cameraMoved = true
if love.keyboard.isDown("lshift") then
camera.position[2] = camera.position[2] + speed*dt
cameraMoved = true
-- do some trigonometry on the inputs to make movement relative to camera's direction
-- also to make the player not move faster in diagonal directions
if moveX ~= 0 or moveY ~= 0 then
local angle = math.atan2(moveY,moveX)
local directionX,directionZ = math.cos(fpsController.direction + angle)*speed*dt, math.sin(fpsController.direction + angle + math.pi)*speed*dt
camera.position[1] = camera.position[1] + directionX
camera.position[3] = camera.position[3] + directionZ
cameraMoved = true
-- update the camera's in the shader
-- only if the camera moved, for a slight performance benefit
if cameraMoved then
-- use this in your love.mousemoved function, passing in the movements
function camera.firstPersonLook(dx,dy)
-- capture the mouse
local sensitivity = 1/300
fpsController.direction = fpsController.direction + dx*sensitivity
fpsController.pitch = math.max(math.min(fpsController.pitch - dy*sensitivity, math.pi*0.5), math.pi*-0.5)
camera.lookInDirection(camera.position[1],camera.position[2],camera.position[3], fpsController.direction,fpsController.pitch)
return camera