function EditorStep() palette = palette or false AnimateTiles() if Keybind:HasPressed(Keybind.editor.palette) then if palette then palette = false palette_scroll_x = nil palette_scroll_y = nil else palette = true palette_scroll_x = 0 palette_scroll_y = 0 selecting_tile = 51 end end end function EditorScroll(y) if palette then if love.keyboard.isDown("lshift") then palette_scroll_y = palette_scroll_y + y else palette_scroll_x = palette_scroll_x + y end else local oscale = game.scale game.scale = math.max(0.1,game.scale + y/16) end end function EditorDraw() GameworldDraw() if palette then EditorDoPalette() end end function EditorDoPalette() local width = LevelData.tileset:getPixelWidth()/tileProperties.width local height = LevelData.tileset:getPixelHeight()/tileProperties.height,0,0,1) "fill", (palette_scroll_x + 1) * (tileProperties.width+1), (palette_scroll_y + 1) * (tileProperties.height+1), 1 + LevelData.tileset:getPixelWidth() * ((tileProperties.width+1) / tileProperties.width), 1 + LevelData.tileset:getPixelHeight()* ((tileProperties.height+1) / tileProperties.height) ),1,1,1) local position_x = 1 local position_y = 1 for i = 1, #TileIndex-width-1 do local tile_x = (palette_scroll_x + position_x) * (tileProperties.width+1) local tile_y = (palette_scroll_y + position_y) * (tileProperties.height+1) LevelData.tileset, TileIndex[i], tile_x, tile_y, 0, 1, 1 ) if love.mouse.isDown(1) then local mouse_x = love.mouse.getX() local mouse_y = love.mouse.getY() if mouse_x > tile_x and mouse_x < tile_x + tileProperties.width + 1 and mouse_y > tile_y and mouse_y < tile_y + tileProperties.height + 1 then selecting_tile = position_x + (position_y * width) .. " | " .. tile_x .. ", " .. tile_y) end else selecting_tile = 0 end if selecting_tile ~= nil and i == selecting_tile then,0,1,1) "line", tile_x, tile_y, tileProperties.width, tileProperties.height ),1,1,1) end position_x = position_x + 1 if position_x > width then position_x = position_x - width position_y = position_y + 1 end end "line", (palette_scroll_x + 1) * (tileProperties.width+1), (palette_scroll_y + 1) * (tileProperties.height+1), 1 + LevelData.tileset:getPixelWidth() * ((tileProperties.width+1) / tileProperties.width), 1 + LevelData.tileset:getPixelHeight()* ((tileProperties.height+1) / tileProperties.height) ) end