Kupo = Entity:New() function Kupo:New(x,y) local o = Entity:New(x,y) o.type = "kupo" o.pos = {x = x, y = y} o.speed = 20 o.range = 200 o.target = {x = x, y = y} o.sprite_offset = {x = 8, y = 5} -- animations o.body = Animation:New(animation.kupo.body) o.bow = Animation:New(animation.kupo.bow) -- bow o.bow_flip = 1 o.bow_rotation = 0 o.bow_frame = 1 o.bow_subframe = 1 o.bow_aim_frame = 0 o.bow_speed = 1/10 o.bow_frames = 6 o.bow_extraframes = 18 o.bow_aim_frames = 8 o.hostile = true o.lightRange = o.range/2 o.light = Light:New(o.pos.x,o.pos.y,o.lightRange) table.insert(LoadedObjects.Entities,o) o.id = #LoadedObjects.Entities setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end function Kupo:Smart() self.light.pos.x = self.pos.x-self.target_offset.x self.light.pos.y = self.pos.y-self.target_offset.y self.target.x = main_Player.pos.x - main_Player.target_offset.x self.target.y = main_Player.pos.y - main_Player.target_offset.y local distance_x = self.target.x - self.pos.x local distance_y = self.target.y - self.pos.y local distance = math.sqrt(distance_x ^ 2 + distance_y ^ 2) local angle = GetAngleFromVector(distance_x,distance_y) self.draw_bow = false if distance <= self.range then if self.hostile == true then self.draw_bow = true -- fix so it can rotate from 0 to 360 if math.deg(self.bow_rotation - angle) < 0 then self.bow_rotation = self.bow_rotation + math.rad(360) end -- fix so it can rotate from 360 to 0 if math.deg(self.bow_rotation - angle) > 180 then self.bow_rotation = self.bow_rotation - math.rad(360) end -- actual rotation if self.bow_rotation < angle then self.bow_rotation = self.bow_rotation + math.rad(2) else self.bow_rotation = self.bow_rotation - math.rad(2) end --set in place if math.abs(math.deg(self.bow_rotation) - math.deg(angle)) < 2 then self.bow_rotation = angle end -- holding tight dispersion -- also affects arrows if self.bow_rotation == angle then self.bow_rotation = self.bow_rotation + math.rad(math.random(math.abs(math.floor(self.bow_frame-self.bow_aim_frames-self.bow_frames)/2))) end -- AIMING AI self.bow_subframe = self.bow_subframe + current_dt if self.bow_subframe > self.bow_speed then self.bow_subframe = self.bow_subframe - self.bow_speed if self.bow_frame == 3 then self.bow_aim_frame = self.bow_aim_frame + 1 if self.bow_aim_frame > self.bow_aim_frames then self.bow_aim_frame = self.bow_aim_frame - self.bow_aim_frames self.bow_frame = self.bow_frame + 1 Arrow:New(self.pos.x,self.pos.y,self.bow_rotation,10) end else self.bow_frame = self.bow_frame + 1 end if self.bow_frame > self.bow_frames + self.bow_extraframes then self.bow_frame = self.bow_frame - self.bow_frames - self.bow_extraframes end end end else self.bow_frame = 6 -- rest bow animation if distance_x > 0 then if self.bow_rotation > math.rad(45) then self.bow_rotation = self.bow_rotation - math.rad(3) elseif self.bow_rotation < math.rad(45) then self.bow_rotation = self.bow_rotation + math.rad(3) end -- set in place if math.abs(math.deg(self.bow_rotation) - 45) < 3 then self.bow_rotation = math.rad(45) end self.sprite_flip.x = 1 else if self.bow_rotation > math.rad(135) then self.bow_rotation = self.bow_rotation - math.rad(3) elseif self.bow_rotation < math.rad(135) then self.bow_rotation = self.bow_rotation + math.rad(3) end -- set in place if math.abs(math.deg(self.bow_rotation) - 135) < 3 then self.bow_rotation = math.rad(135) end self.sprite_flip.x = -1 end end self.angle = angle end function Kupo:HandleAnimation() local distance_x = self.target.x - self.pos.x local distance_y = self.target.y - self.pos.y if distance_x > 0 then self.sprite_flip.x = 1 else self.sprite_flip.x = -1 end -- flip sprite to look in the direction is moving if self.vel.x ~= 0 then self.sprite_flip.x = math.sign(self.vel.x) end self.body:Animate() self:Draw(self.body) if self.draw_bow == true then self.bow:DrawFrame( math.min(self.bow_frame,self.bow_frames), self.pos.x + ( 8 * math.sin(self.bow_rotation)), self.pos.y + (2 - 6 * math.cos(self.bow_rotation)), self.bow_rotation ) end end function Kupo:DoPhysics() self:CollisionMove() end