Demo = {} DemoPlayback = false DemoRecording = false DemoAction = nil -- Table of actions CurrentDemoFrame = nil function Demo:Draw() if DemoRecording then,0,0,1) elseif DemoPlayback then,0,1,1) end"line",0,0,game.width ,game.height) end function Demo:PlaybackStart() DemoPlayback = true CurrentDemoFrame = 0 dofile("demo/play_demo.lua") end function Demo:PlaybackEnd() DemoPlayback = false DemoAction = nil end function Demo:RecordAction(action) if DemoRecording and action ~= nil then DemoFile:write("\""..action.."\",") end end function Demo:RecordStart() -- Make demo stuff os.execute( "mkdir \"./demo\"" ) DemoFile ="demo/play_demo.lua", "w+") --DemoFile ="demo/mothbackDemo_""%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")..".lua", "w+") DemoFile:write("main_Player.pos.x = "..main_Player.pos.x.."\n") DemoFile:write("main_Player.pos.y = "..main_Player.pos.y.."\n") DemoFile:write("DemoAction = {\n") DemoRecording = true CurrentDemoFrame = 1 end function Demo:RecordEnd() DemoFile:write("}\n}") DemoFile:close() DemoFile = nil DemoRecording = false end function Demo:Step() if DemoRecording then if CurrentDemoFrame == 1 then DemoFile:write("\t{") else DemoFile:write("},\n\t{") end elseif DemoPlayback then if DemoAction[CurrentDemoFrame + 1] == nil then Demo:PlaybackEnd() end end CurrentDemoFrame = CurrentDemoFrame + 1 end