player = entity:newEntity(x,y) function InitPlayer(id) = 3 player.coins = 0 -- physics player.vel = { x = 0, y = 0 } -- constants player.acc = 90 player.friction = 20 player.gravity = 9.81 player.climbHeight = 3 player.jumpForce = 5 player.maxSpeed = 600 player.jumpMaxSpeed = 9.5 player.zeroSpeed = 0.001 -- bools player.isJumping = false player.isOnGround = false player.isOnLadder = false player.canJump = true player.canFall = true player.canFriction = true -- sprite player.offset = {x = -8, y = -16} end function player:DoInput() -- PLATFORMER INPUT if self.isOnGround then -- apply friction -- horizontal input (slide~~) if love.keyboard.isDown('a',"left") then self.vel.x = self.vel.x - self.acc*current_dt end if love.keyboard.isDown('d',"right") then self.vel.x = self.vel.x + self.acc*current_dt end if self.canJump then -- vertical input (jump!) if love.keyboard.isDown("up", "w") and self.isJumping ~= true then self.vel.y = self.vel.y - self.jumpForce self.isOnGround = false self.isJumping = true end end end -- fall if down input on platforms if not isThereCollisionAt( self.pos.x, self.pos.y + self.vel.y ) and not isThereLadderAt( self.pos.x, self.pos.y + self.vel.y ) and isTherePlatformAt( self.pos.x, self.pos.y + self.vel.y ) and love.keyboard.isDown("down", "s") then self.pos.y = self.pos.y + tileProperties.height/3 self.isOnGround = false end end function player:HandleAnimation() -- flip sprite to look in the direction is moving if self.vel.x ~= 0 then self.flip.x = math.sign(self.vel.x) end -- animation manager if self.isOnLadder then self:LoadAnimation(animation.nancy.jump) elseif not self.isOnGround and self.isJumping and self.vel.y > 1.25 then self:LoadAnimation(animation.nancy.fall) elseif not self.isOnGround and self.vel.y < 0 then self:LoadAnimation(animation.nancy.jump) elseif self.vel.x ~= 0 then self:LoadAnimation( else self:LoadAnimation(animation.nancy.idle) end -- special case: idle animation gets slower by time if self.anim_path == animation.nancy.idle.path then if self.anim_speed < 0.5 then self.anim_speed = self.anim_speed + 0.001 end end end function player:DoPhysics() -- reset physics resolution self.canFall = true self.canJump = true self.canFriction = true -- reset flags self.isOnGround = false self.isOnLadder = false -- truncate to max & min values if math.abs(self.vel.x) > self.maxSpeed then self.vel.x = self.maxSpeed * math.sign(self.vel.x) end if math.abs(self.vel.y) > self.maxSpeed then self.vel.y = self.maxSpeed * math.sign(self.vel.y) end if math.abs(self.vel.x) < self.zeroSpeed then self.vel.x = 0 end if math.abs(self.vel.y) < self.zeroSpeed then self.vel.y = 0 end -- if on air, say so! if self.vel.y > 5 then self.isJumping = true end -- if its on ground, then say so. if self.vel.y > 0 then if isThereAnyCollisionAt( self.pos.x, self.pos.y + self.vel.y ) then self.isOnGround = true self.isJumping = false end end -- horizontal collisions if isThereAnyCollisionAt(self.pos.x + self.vel.x, self.pos.y) then -- checks for ladders if isThereLadderAt(self.pos.x + self.vel.x, self.pos.y) and self.vel.x ~= 0 and not isThereLadderAt(self.pos.x, self.pos.y) then self.vel.y = 0 self.vel.x = 0 self.pos.y = self.pos.y - 4*game.scale * current_dt self.canFall = false self.canJump = false self.canFriction = false self.isOnLadder = true self.isOnGround = true end -- checks for slopes for i = 1, self.climbHeight do if not isThereCollisionAt(self.pos.x + self.vel.x, self.pos.y - i * game.scale) and self.isOnGround then self.pos.x = self.pos.x + self.vel.x self.pos.y = self.pos.y - i * game.scale self.canFriction = false break end end -- hey, you arent permanently stopped while collisioning, just lose a bit of force! if self.canFriction then self.vel.x = self.vel.x * (1 - math.min(current_dt * self.friction/15, 1)) end else self.pos.x = self.pos.x + self.vel.x end -- vertical collision if self.vel.y > 0 and isThereAnyCollisionAt(self.pos.x, self.pos.y + self.vel.y) then self.isOnGround = true self.isJumping = false self.vel.y = 0 else self.pos.y = self.pos.y + self.vel.y end -- drop. if self.canFall then self.vel.y = self.vel.y + 2*self.gravity * current_dt end -- friction hard in ground, soft in air if self.isOnGround then self.vel.x = self.vel.x * (1 - math.min(current_dt * self.friction, 1)) else self.vel.x = self.vel.x * (1 - math.min(current_dt * self.friction/20, 1)) end end function player:newPlayer(x,y) local o = entity:newEntity(x,y) setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end