Entity = {class = "Entity"} LoadedObjects.Entities = {} function Entity:New(x,y) o = {} o.pos = {x = x, y = y} o.vel = {x = 0, y = 0} o.direction = 0 o.boxCollision = { from = {x = x, y = y}, to = {x = x, y = y}, } o.target_offset = {x = 0, y = 0} o.sprite_offset = {x = 0, y = 0} o.sprite_scale = {x = 1, y = 1} o.sprite_rotation = math.rad(0) o.sprite_tint = {1,1,1} o.sprite_alpha = 1 o.sprite_flip = { x = 1, y = 1} o.illuminated = false setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end function Entity:CheckNearest(type,maxdistance) local return_entity = nil local shortest = -1 for _, entity in pairs(LoadedObjects.Entities) do if not type or entity.type == type then local distance_x = entity.pos.x - self.pos.x local distance_y = entity.pos.y - self.pos.y local distance = math.sqrt(distance_x ^ 2 + distance_y ^ 2) if not maxdistance or distance < maxdistance then if shortest == -1 or distance < shortest then shortest = distance return_entity = entity end end end end return return_entity end function Entity:Smart() end function Entity:Move() self.pos.x = self.pos.x + self.vel.x self.pos.y = self.pos.y + self.vel.y end function Entity:CollisionMove() local r = false if not self:isCollidingAt(self.pos.x + self.vel.x, self.pos.y, LoadedObjects.Collisions) then self.pos.x = self.pos.x + self.vel.x else self.vel.x = 0 r = true end if not self:isCollidingAt(self.pos.x, self.pos.y + self.vel.y, LoadedObjects.Collisions) then self.pos.y = self.pos.y + self.vel.y else self.vel.y = 0 r = true end return r end function Entity:MoveX() local r = false if not self:isCollidingAt(self.pos.x + self.vel.x, self.pos.y, LoadedObjects.Collisions) then self.pos.x = self.pos.x + self.vel.x else self.vel.x = 0 r = true end if not self:isCollidingAt(self.pos.x, self.pos.y + self.vel.y, LoadedObjects.Collisions) then self.pos.y = self.pos.y + self.vel.y else self.vel.y = 0 r = true end return r end function Entity:LightAdjust(x,y) if self.light ~= nil then local x = x or 0 local y = y or 0 self.light.pos.x = self.pos.x self.light.pos.y = self.pos.y end end function Entity:Kill() if self.light ~= nil then KillLight(self.light) end if self.id ~= nil then for _, e in pairs(LoadedObjects.Entities) do if e.id > self.id then e.id = e.id - 1 end end table.remove(LoadedObjects.Entities,self.id) end self = nil end function Entity:CheckVisionLine(entity,range) local target_x = entity.pos.x + entity.target_offset.x local target_y = entity.pos.y + entity.target_offset.y local distance_x = target_x - self.pos.x local distance_y = target_y - self.pos.y local angle = GetAngleFromVector(distance_x,distance_y) local distance = math.sqrt(distance_x ^ 2 + distance_y ^ 2) local is_colliding = true if distance < range then is_colliding = false for i=1, distance, game.scale do if isThereObjectAt( self.pos.x+math.cos(angle)*i, self.pos.y+math.sin(angle)*i, LoadedObjects.Collisions ) then is_colliding = true end end end return not is_colliding end function Entity:Draw(animation) local c1, c2, c3, a = love.graphics.getColor() love.graphics.setColor(self.sprite_tint[1],self.sprite_tint[2],self.sprite_tint[3],self.sprite_alpha) animation:Draw( self.pos.x - Camera.pos.x - ( (self.sprite_offset.x) * math.cos(self.sprite_rotation) - (self.sprite_offset.y) * math.sin(self.sprite_rotation)) * self.sprite_scale.x * self.sprite_flip.x, self.pos.y - Camera.pos.y - ( (self.sprite_offset.x) * math.sin(self.sprite_rotation) + (self.sprite_offset.y) * math.cos(self.sprite_rotation)) * self.sprite_scale.y * self.sprite_flip.y, self.sprite_rotation, self.sprite_scale.x * self.sprite_flip.x, self.sprite_scale.y * self.sprite_flip.y ) love.graphics.setColor(c1,c2,c3,a) end function Entity:centerOffset(animation,x,y) local x = x or 0 local y = y or 0 self.sprite_offset.x = animation.imgs[1]:getWidth()/2 + x self.sprite_offset.y = animation.imgs[1]:getHeight()/2 + y end function Entity:getBoundingBox(animation,top,left,bottom,right) local left = left or 0 local right = right or 0 local top = top or 0 local bottom = bottom or 0 self.boxCollision.from.x = -animation.imgs[1]:getWidth()/2 + left self.boxCollision.to.x = animation.imgs[1]:getWidth()/2 + right self.boxCollision.from.y = -animation.imgs[1]:getHeight()/2 + top self.boxCollision.to.y = animation.imgs[1]:getHeight()/2 + bottom end -- returns true if theres a collision at that point. also marks collisioned tile as collision true function Entity:isCollidingAt(x,y,object) for _, collision in pairs(object) do if collision.disable then -- Dont calculate if disabled elseif x + self.boxCollision.from.x < collision.to.x and x + self.boxCollision.to.x > collision.from.x and y + self.boxCollision.from.y < collision.to.y and y + self.boxCollision.to.y > collision.from.y then collision.isColliding = true return true end end return false end function Entity:isCollidingWith(entity) return self.pos.x + self.boxCollision.from.x < entity.pos.x + entity.boxCollision.to.x and entity.pos.x + entity.boxCollision.from.x < self.pos.x + self.boxCollision.to.x and self.pos.y + self.boxCollision.from.y < entity.pos.y + entity.boxCollision.to.y and entity.pos.y + entity.boxCollision.from.y < self.pos.y + self.boxCollision.to.y end function Entity:isCollidingAtAll(x,y) local result = false if not result then result = self:isCollidingAt(x,y,LoadedObjects.Platforms) end if not result then result = self:isCollidingAt(x,y,LoadedObjects.Platforms) end if not result then result = self:isCollidingAt(x,y,LoadedObjects.Platforms) end return result end function Entity:CheckVisionLineDebug(entity,range) local c1, c2, c3, a = love.graphics.getColor() local target_x = entity.pos.x + entity.target_offset.x local target_y = entity.pos.y + entity.target_offset.y local distance_x = target_x - self.pos.x local distance_y = target_y - self.pos.y local angle = GetAngleFromVector(distance_x,distance_y) local distance = math.sqrt(distance_x ^ 2 + distance_y ^ 2) if distance < range then for i=1, distance, game.scale do if isThereObjectAt( self.pos.x+math.cos(angle)*i, self.pos.y+math.sin(angle)*i, LoadedObjects.Collisions ) then love.graphics.setColor(1,0,0) else love.graphics.setColor(0,1,0) end love.graphics.line( self.pos.x+math.cos(angle)*i-1 - Camera.pos.x, self.pos.y+math.sin(angle)*i-1 - Camera.pos.y, self.pos.x+math.cos(angle)*i - Camera.pos.x, self.pos.y+math.sin(angle)*i - Camera.pos.y ) end end love.graphics.setColor(c1,c2,c3,a) end function Entity:Debug() -- draw center GREEN love.graphics.setColor(0,1,0) love.graphics.circle("fill", -Camera.pos.x + self.pos.x, -Camera.pos.y + self.pos.y, 1) -- draw collision box PURPLE love.graphics.setColor(1,0,1) love.graphics.rectangle( "line", -Camera.pos.x + self.pos.x + self.boxCollision.from.x, -Camera.pos.y + self.pos.y + self.boxCollision.from.y, -Camera.pos.x + self.pos.x + self.boxCollision.to.x -(-Camera.pos.x + self.pos.x + self.boxCollision.from.x), -Camera.pos.y + self.pos.y + self.boxCollision.to.y -(-Camera.pos.y + self.pos.y + self.boxCollision.from.y) ) if self.target ~= nil then love.graphics.line( -Camera.pos.x + self.pos.x, -Camera.pos.y + self.pos.y, -Camera.pos.x + self.target.x, -Camera.pos.y + self.target.y ) end end function Entity:HandleAnimation() end function Entity:DrawBackground() end require "code/entities/kupo" require "code/entities/arrow" require "code/entities/decoration" require "code/entities/player" require "code/entities/fairy" require "code/entities/cursed_book" require "code/entities/hook_anchor" require "code/entities/particle"