Player = Entity:New(x,y) function Player:New(x,y) local o = Entity:New(x,y) = 3 Player.coins = 0 -- physics o.moveSpeed = 1.5 o.boxCollision = { from = {x = -8, y = -16}, to = {x = 8, y = 0} } o.lightRange = 32 -- status o.isJumping = false o.isOnGround = 0 o.coyoteValue = 5 o.isOnLadder = false o.canJump = true o.canFall = true o.canFriction = true o.maskType = animation.moth_mask -- sprite o.sprite_offset = {x = 8, y = 16} o.target_offset = {x = 0, y = 12} o.body = Animation:New(animation.nancy.idle) o.mask = Animation:New(animation.moth_mask.idle) -- lights o.light = CreateLight(o.pos.x,o.pos.y,o.lightRange) setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end function Player:Smart() if love.keyboard.isDown("a") then self.vel.x = -self.moveSpeed elseif love.keyboard.isDown("d") then self.vel.x = self.moveSpeed else self.vel.x = 0 end if love.keyboard.isDown("w") then self.vel.y = -self.moveSpeed elseif love.keyboard.isDown("s") then self.vel.y = self.moveSpeed else self.vel.y = 0 end end function Player:DoPhysics() self.pos.x = self.pos.x + self.vel.x self.pos.y = self.pos.y + self.vel.y end function Player:HandleAnimation() self.light.pos.x = self.pos.x-self.target_offset.x self.light.pos.y = self.pos.y-self.target_offset.y -- flip sprite to look in the direction is moving if self.vel.x ~= 0 then self.sprite_flip.x = math.sign(self.vel.x) end -- animation priority if self.vel.y > 1.25 then self.body = self.body:ChangeTo(animation.nancy.fall) self.mask = self.mask:ChangeTo(self.maskType.fall) elseif self.vel.y < 0 then self.body = self.body:ChangeTo(animation.nancy.jump) self.mask = self.mask:ChangeTo(self.maskType.jump) elseif self.vel.x ~= 0 then self.body = self.body:ChangeTo( self.mask = self.mask:ChangeTo( else self.body = self.body:ChangeTo(animation.nancy.idle) self.mask = self.mask:ChangeTo(self.maskType.idle) end -- special case: idle animation gets slower by time if self.body.anim_path == animation.nancy.idle.path then if self.body.anim_speed < 0.5 then self.body.anim_speed = self.body.anim_speed + 0.001 end end self.body:Animate() self.body:Draw( math.floor(self.pos.x) - Camera.pos.x - ( (self.sprite_offset.x) * math.cos(self.sprite_rotation) - (self.sprite_offset.y) * math.sin(self.sprite_rotation)) * self.sprite_scale.x * self.sprite_flip.x, math.floor(self.pos.y)- Camera.pos.y - ( (self.sprite_offset.x) * math.sin(self.sprite_rotation) + (self.sprite_offset.y) * math.cos(self.sprite_rotation)) * self.sprite_scale.y * self.sprite_flip.y, self.sprite_rotation, self.sprite_scale.x * self.sprite_flip.x, self.sprite_scale.y * self.sprite_flip.y ) self.mask:Draw( math.floor(self.pos.x) - Camera.pos.x - ( (self.sprite_offset.x) * math.cos(self.sprite_rotation) - (self.sprite_offset.y) * math.sin(self.sprite_rotation)) * self.sprite_scale.x * self.sprite_flip.x, math.floor(self.pos.y)- Camera.pos.y - ( (self.sprite_offset.x) * math.sin(self.sprite_rotation) + (self.sprite_offset.y) * math.cos(self.sprite_rotation)) * self.sprite_scale.y * self.sprite_flip.y, self.sprite_rotation, self.sprite_scale.x * self.sprite_flip.x, self.sprite_scale.y * self.sprite_flip.y ) end