Animation = { projectilePlasma = { path = "assets/projectilePlasma", frames = 6, speed = 0.1, random = true }, projectilePiercing = { path = "assets/projectilePiercing", frames = 1, speed = 1 }, projectileRocket = { path = "assets/projectileRocket", frames = 1, speed = 1 }, projectileGreen = { path = "assets/projectileGreenRocket", frames = 1, speed = 1 }, projectileRed = { path = "assets/projectileRedRocket", frames = 1, speed = 1 }, projectileBlue = { path = "assets/projectileBlueRocket", frames = 1, speed = 1 }, projectileCard = { path = "assets/projectileCard", frames = 8, speed = 1/24 } } for _, anim in pairs(Animation) do anim.imgs = {} for i = 1, anim.frames do table.insert(anim.imgs,".png")) end end AnimationContainer = {} function AnimationContainer:New(anim_data) local o = {} o.type = "AnimationContainer" o.path = anim_data.path o.frames = anim_data.frames o.speed = anim_data.speed o.imgs = anim_data.imgs o.subframe = 0 local random = anim_data.random or false if random == true then o.frame = math.random(1,anim_data.frames) else o.frame = 1 end table.insert(List.AnimationContainers,o) = #List.AnimationContainers setmetatable(o, self) self.__index = self return o end function AnimationContainer:Delete() for _, animation in pairs(List.AnimationContainers) do if > then = - 1 end end table.remove(list, self = nil end function AnimationContainer:Set(anim_data) if anim_data.path == self.path then return self else return Animation:New(anim_data) end end -- to manually handle what frame function AnimationContainer:DrawFrame(frame, x, y, rotate, sx, sy) if frame > self.frames then frame = self.frames end local x = x or 0 local y = y or 0 local sx = sx or 1 local sy = sy or 1 self.imgs[frame], x - Camera.pos.x, y - Camera.pos.y, rotate, sx, sy ) end -- to linearly animate function AnimationContainer:Animate() -- try to animate self.subframe = self.subframe + current_dt if self.subframe > self.speed then self.frame = self.frame + 1 self.subframe = self.subframe - self.speed end -- cycle if self.frame >= self.frames+1 then self.frame = self.frame - self.frames end end -- to draw the current frame function AnimationContainer:Draw(x, y, rotate, sx, sy, ox, oy) local x = x or 0 local y = y or 0 local rotate = rotate or 0 local sx = sx or 1 local sy = sy or 1 local ox = ox or self.imgs[self.frame]:getPixelWidth()/2 local oy = oy or self.imgs[self.frame]:getPixelHeight()/2 self.imgs[self.frame], x, y, rotate, sx, sy, ox, oy ) end