# for debug
tellraw @a[scores={me-debugging=1..}] "undeadm-core:scoreboards"

# auto init clear (no more init during the game!)
data modify storage undeadm-core:init status set value 1

# try to init other modules

# random lib calls
function undeadm-random:init

#weapons mod
function undeadm-m1:init

#villager mod
function undeadm-m2:init

### core module

## core system

# for debug!
	scoreboard objectives add me-debugging dummy

## tick counter

	scoreboard objectives add me-core_tickC dummy
	scoreboard players set $tps me-core_tickC 20

## assigners

	scoreboard objectives add me-core_uid dummy
	scoreboard players set $count me-core_uid 0

## player input checkers

	scoreboard objectives add me-core_drinkP minecraft.used:minecraft.potion
	scoreboard objectives add me-core_drinkM minecraft.used:minecraft.milk_bucket
	scoreboard objectives add me-core_rc minecraft.used:minecraft.carrot_on_a_stick
	scoreboard objectives add me-core_shift minecraft.custom:minecraft.sneak_time
	scoreboard objectives add me-core_talk minecraft.custom:minecraft.talked_to_villager

## custom entity trackers

# to keep custom entities alive for a specific amount of time: timer
	scoreboard objectives add me-core_entityT dummy

# to keep custom entities alive for a specific amount of time: maxtime
	scoreboard objectives add me-core_entityMT dummy

# to keep custom entities in check for a specific amount of time: control1
	scoreboard objectives add me-core_entityC1 dummy