tellraw @a[scores={me-debugging=1..}] "undeadm-m1:tick/fire_blast" ## FireBlast CUSTOM ENTITY (VIA ARMOR STAND) # # Travels 20 blocks -> 10 bps during 2 seconds # Collision with collisionable blocks # Doesn't deal contact damage # On death by collision, summon falling fires # # Particles: # @tick: campfire_cozy_smoke: ~ ~ ~, 0 0 0, 0.0001, 1 # @death: lava: ^ ^ ^-0.15, 0 0 0, 0.1, 50 # # Sounds: # @death: entity.fire_blast.die: neutral, @a ## collision # if no collison, move execute if block ^ ^ ^0.5 #undeadm-core:no_collision run tp ^ ^ ^0.5 # if collision, dying execute unless block ^ ^ ^0.5 #undeadm-core:no_collision run tag @s add Dying # if it hits an entity, starts dying execute if entity @s[tag=PostInit] if entity @e[gamemode=!spectator,tag=!FireBlast,dx=0,dy=0,dz=0] run tag @s add Dying ## some particles! (unless dying) # first particle - cool smoke, makes the trail! execute unless entity @s[tag=Dying] run particle minecraft:campfire_cosy_smoke ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0.001 1 ## if dying # reset owner's wand CD to 10 (only if greater than 10) execute if entity @s[tag=Dying] as @a if score @s me-core_uid = @e[limit=1,sort=nearest,tag=FireBlast] me-core_uid if score @s me-weap_staffCD > $10 me-weap_staffCD run scoreboard players set @s me-weap_staffCD 10 # fire explosion! (little) execute if entity @s[tag=Dying] run particle minecraft:lava ^ ^ ^-0.15 0 0 0 0.1 50 # summon fires! execute if entity @s[tag=Dying] run function undeadm-m1:spawn/fire_blast_death # play dead sound execute if entity @s[tag=Dying] run playsound undeadm-m1:entity.fire_blast.die neutral @a # die execute if entity @s[tag=Dying] run kill @s