tellraw @a[scores={me-debugging=1..}] "undeadmaelys-m1:potions" ## KNOWN BUGS: # fake thrown potions (love, stink) assignation fails if assignation has dead assigners (i.e. it start at 1 instead of 0, -- cos potion 0 already died but potion 1 didnt, so summoning another will cause the new potion to also share id 1 with the already existing potion D:) maybe change the count custom to make it get the highest id? # count potions to manage new! function undeadm-m1:potion/_count_custom_potions # 1 Gender Change Potion 2101 execute as @a if score @s me-core_drinkM matches 1 at @s run function undeadm-m1:potion/_clear_effects # 2 Gravitation Potion 2102 # "Press SHIFT to reverse gravity" # who drinks potion receives effect execute as @e[nbt={SelectedItem:{tag:{CustomModelData:2102}}}] if score @s me-core_drinkP matches 1 run function undeadm-m1:potion/use_potion_gravitation # do the effect for the effect carriers execute as @e[tag=GravitationPotionEffect] at @s run function undeadm-m1:potion/effect_do_gravitation # 3 Inferno Potion 2103 # "Nearby enemies are ignited" # who drinks potion receives effect execute as @e[nbt={SelectedItem:{tag:{CustomModelData:2103}}}] if score @s me-core_drinkP matches 1 run function undeadm-m1:potion/use_potion_inferno # do the effect for the effect carriers execute as @e[tag=InfernoPotionEffect] at @s run function undeadm-m1:potion/effect_do_inferno # 4 Ironskin Potion 2104 # "Increase defense by 2" # 5 Lifeforce Potion 2105 # "20% increased maximum health" # 6 Love Potion 2106 # "Throw this to make someone fall in love" # if a potion is thrown, create and assign a scoreboard that will propagate the custom effect #data merge entity @s {Item:{tag:{Assigned:1b}}} execute as @e[type=minecraft:potion,nbt={Item:{tag:{CustomModelData:2106}}}] unless entity @s[nbt={Item:{tag:{Assigned:1b}}}] run function undeadm-m1:potion/assign_potion_love # tp potion armor stand to its vanilla potion execute as @e[tag=Potion,tag=LovePotion] at @s as @e[type=potion] if score @s me-core_uid = @e[limit=1,sort=nearest,type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=LovePotion] me-core_uid run tp @e[limit=1,sort=nearest,type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=LovePotion] @s #if potion crashes on ground, grant potion effect @e[distance=..2] execute as @e[tag=LovePotion,type=minecraft:armor_stand] unless entity @s[nbt={OnGround:1b}] at @s run function undeadm-m1:potion/use_potion_love #kill armor stand as potion crashed execute as @e[tag=Potion,type=minecraft:armor_stand,nbt={OnGround:0b}] unless entity @s[nbt={OnGround:1b}] run kill @s # do the effect for the effect carriers execute as @e[tag=LovePotionEffect] at @s run function undeadm-m1:potion/effect_do_love # 7 Recall Potion 2107 # "Teleports you home" # 8 Return Potion 2108 # "This teleports you home and creates a portal" # "Use portal to return when you are done" # "'Good for one round trip!'" # 9 Stink Potion 2109 # "Throw this to make someone smell terrible" #10 Teleport Potion 2110 # "Teleports you to a random location" #11 Water Walking Potion 2111 # "Press SHIFT to enter water"