import info_imp import json import test import random client_id = info_imp.datinho['sp_client_id'] client_secret = info_imp.datinho['sp_client_secret'] sp = test.SpotifyAPI(client_id, client_secret) songs = [] name = [] cover = [] # Uses the getSong function from to get a list of all the songs URLs in playlist def getSongList(lista): dict1 = sp.getPlayTracks() dict2 = dict1['items'] for songs in dict2: dict3 = songs['track'] for songs_def in dict3['external_urls'].values(): lista.append(songs_def) return lista # Uses the getNameSong function from to get a list of all the songs names in playlist def getNameSong(lista): dict1 = sp.getPlayTracks() dict2 = dict1['items'] for songs in dict2: dict3 = songs['track'] for songs_def in dict3['external_ids'].values(): lista.append(dict3['name']) return lista # Uses the getCover function from to get a list of all the song cover URLs in playlist def getCover(lista): dict1 = sp.getPlayTracks() dict2 = dict1['items'] for songs in dict2: dict3 = songs['track'] for songs_def in dict3['album'].values(): dict4 = dict3['album'] for things1 in dict4['images']: dict5 = dict4['images'] for things2 in dict5: dict6 = things2 for things3 in dict6: if things3 not in lista: lista.append(dict6['url']) return lista # Picks a random number between 0 and len(lista)-1 to fit list indexes def pickNumber(lista): num = len(lista) - 1 pick = random.randrange(0, num) return pick # Picks the element [numberGaveByPickNumberFunction] and returns that value def pickList(num, lista): fin3 = lista[num] return fin3