diff --git a/main.py b/main.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 8a88fde..8cac6a6
--- a/main.py
+++ b/main.py
@@ -1,63 +1,41 @@
-from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
-import requests
-from requests import get
-import webbrowser
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
-def getLink():
- artist = input('Name of the artist/band: ')
- title = input('Name of the song: ')
- base_start = 'https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/'
- artist = artist.lower()
- artist = artist.replace(' ', '')
- artist = artist.replace('-', '')
- title = title.lower()
- title = title.replace(' ', '')
- link = base_start + artist + '/' + title + '.html'
- return(link)
+import azl
+import letras
-def getLyrics(link):
- w = requests.get(link)
- soup = BeautifulSoup(w.text, 'html.parser')
- lyr = soup.find_all('div', class_=False)
- let = str(lyr)
- return(let)
-def parsero(lyrics):
- let = lyrics
- let = let.replace('
', ' ')
- let = let.replace('', '')
- let = let.replace('', '')
- let = let.replace('
', '')
- let = let.replace('
,', '')
- let = let.replace('', '')
- let = let.replace('', '')
- let = let.replace('
', '')
- let = let.replace('
', '')
- let = let.replace('', '')
- return(let[1:-1])
while True:
- song_url = getLink()
- lyrics_ori = getLyrics(song_url)
- fin = parsero(lyrics_ori)
- print(fin)
- print('\n')
- vali = ''
- while True:
- res = input("What's the move? (s to search/q to quit): ")
- try:
- if res == 'q' or res == 's':
- vali = res
- break
- else:
- print("I didn't give u that option dude")
- except:
- print('What?')
- if vali == 'q':
- print('See u!')
- break
- elif vali == 's':
- continue
+ web = ''
+ val = ''
+ artist = input('Name of the artist/band: ')
+ title = input('Name of the song: ')
+ song_url = azl.getLink(artist, title)
+ un_lyr = azl.getLyrics(song_url)
+ fin = azl.parsero(un_lyr)
+ if fin == '
+ fin = "Sorry I couldn't find that song :("
+ print('\n<------------------------------------------------------------->')
+ if fin != "Sorry I couldn't find that song :(":
+ print(fin)
- print('Something went wrong')
+ song_url = letras.getLink(artist, title)
+ un_lyr = letras.getLyrics(song_url)
+ fin = letras.parsero(un_lyr)
+ print(fin)
+ while True:
+ print('<------------------------------------------------------------->')
+ res = input("What's the move? (s to search for another song/q to quit): ")
+ if res == 's' or res == 'q':
+ val = res
+ break
+ else:
+ print("what's wrong w u mate?")
+ continue
+ if val == 's':
+ continue
+ elif val == 'q':
+ print('see u')
+ break
+ else: