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2024-12-15 12:30:13 +00:00
# TwochiVerifierBe
This app was created with Bootify.io - tips on working with the code [can be found here](https://bootify.io/next-steps/).
## Development
When starting the application `docker compose up` is called and the app will connect to the contained services.
[Docker](https://www.docker.com/get-started/) must be available on the current system.
During development it is recommended to use the profile `local`. In IntelliJ `-Dspring.profiles.active=local` can be
added in the VM options of the Run Configuration after enabling this property in "Modify options". Create your own
`application-local.yml` file to override settings for development.
Lombok must be supported by your IDE. For IntelliJ install the Lombok plugin and enable annotation processing -
[learn more](https://bootify.io/next-steps/spring-boot-with-lombok.html).
After starting the application it is accessible under `localhost:8080`.
## Build
The application can be built using the following command:
gradlew clean build
Start your application with the following command - here with the profile `production`:
java -Dspring.profiles.active=production -jar ./build/libs/twochi-verifier-be-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
If required, a Docker image can be created with the Spring Boot plugin. Add `SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=production` as
environment variable when running the container.
gradlew bootBuildImage --imageName=cat.siesta/twochi-verifier-be
## Further readings
* [Gradle user manual](https://docs.gradle.org/)
* [Spring Boot reference](https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/htmlsingle/)