Datapack for 1.16.5
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Undeadmaelys e1cadf3f2e Merged project "Townplan" to Minecraft Expanded as the 2nd Module of the pack!
Current features: Randomized villager names, Armorer trade phrases, 
translation-friendly (check the lang files on the resourcepakc!)

Planned features: Town names, town title upon village entry, all trade 

Mayhappen features: Friendship system, compatibility with m1

Language support planned to EN_us, ES_es & CA_es
2021-02-28 09:47:34 +01:00
data Merged project "Townplan" to Minecraft Expanded as the 2nd Module of the pack! 2021-02-28 09:47:34 +01:00 uploading 2021-02-20 12:10:44 +01:00 + Added + Created some potions + Created a system for custom thrown potions & drinkable potions ! Bugged throwable potions + Created give for potions ? Tested stuff with item modifiers, will be useful for custom weapons 2021-02-21 12:52:49 +01:00 + Added + Created some potions + Created a system for custom thrown potions & drinkable potions ! Bugged throwable potions + Created give for potions ? Tested stuff with item modifiers, will be useful for custom weapons 2021-02-21 12:52:49 +01:00
pack.mcmeta uploading 2021-02-20 12:10:44 +01:00

UndeadMaelys' Expansion Packs

0 - Core MANDATORY for all packs to work.

1 - Weapons ADDS custom weapons (some with custom mechanics): 1 - Daggers (All tiers) 2 - Curved Sword (All tiers) 3 - Katana (All tiers) 4 - Pike (All tiers) 5 - Warhammmer (All tiers) 6 - Great Sword (All tiers) 7 - Great Curved Sword (All tiers) 8 - Great Axe (All tiers) 9 - Halberd (All tiers) 10 - Great Hammer (All tiers)

MODIFIES minecraft base weapons, the Sword and the Axe.
1 - Sword damage values stay the same.
2 - Axe has modified damage and speed values.

ADDS custom magic staves:

1 - Magic Missile Staff 2 - Fire Blast Staff 3 - Ice Shock Staff 4 - Bone Dancer Staff